Shaping the future of global Young Professionals Rafal Sliz, R8YP
Workshop plan Background information and reasoning Open discussion Segmentation studies Open discussion Brainstorming Conclusions
2 Years Later... Transition from GOLD to Young Professionals GOLD was a retention program We have started creating VALUE, and our membership is growing! Difficult for the GLOBAL MGA Young Professionals Committee to have a LOCAL impact Largest membership benefit that we can provide: Professional Networking New IEEE Young Professionals brand offers flexibility and opportunity to revitalize local affinity groups, and expand global reach
Young Professionals, a global view Promote value of global member network Build awareness for IEEE products Generate awareness about technology trends and potential opportunities Member Satisfaction Mobilize an existing affinity group Mobilize Regional Coordinator and/or Society Liaison(s) Create micro-volunteering opportunities in Sections without affinity groups Recruit new volunteers and/or promote succession of current volunteers Form new affinity group, or revitalize dormant affinity group Volunteer Satisfaction Collaborate with IEEE partners Students, Women in Engineering, IEEE-USA, Technical Activities, SIGHT, Educational Activities, etc. Collaborate with non-IEEE partners Engage in partner outreach and sponsorship activities Partner Satisfaction Enhance Young Professionals awareness to elevate Student members Drive conference registration or Society membership Non-member sign-ups in IEEE Collabratec New member sign-ups Membership Growth
120,153 Young Professional Members worldwide* Region 7: 5,667 Region 1: 6,445 Region 2: 5,774 Region 3: 6,803 Region 4: 5,571 Region 5: 6,586 Region 6: 11,758 R1-6 Total: 42,937 Region 8: 29,748 Region 9: 5,558 Region 10: 36,252 * based on December 2015 Membership Development report
IEEE Young Professional Affinity Groups Leveraging local volunteers: opportunity for global impact Total number of groups (as of today): 167 Total active groups: ??? How can we as the leadership committee make it easy for volunteers to run events and expand the member network?
How Young professionals see IEEE Higher Grade Overall Young Professionals Academic Promotes highest professional standards Global Unbiased source of technical information Relevant to industry Innovative Prestigious Practical Expensive Thought leader US centric Approachable Responsive Humanitarian Exclusive view the organization as academic, innovative, and prestigious BASE: Higher Grade (n=9181), Young Professional (n=2205) Q22. When thinking about IEEE as an organization, please tell us how much you agree or disagree that each of the words describes IEEE.
Barriers for young professionals preventing from being more active BASE: Higher Grade (n=9181), Young Professional (n=2205) Q30. What are the barriers that prevent you from being more actively involved with IEEE?
Reasons to stay in IEEE Higher Grade Young Professionals To remain technically current To obtain IEEE publications For continuing education To network with others in the profession To join IEEE Societies To enhance my stature within the profession To enhance my career opportunities To obtain a reduced registration fee at IEEE conferences To participate in local IEEE activities To give back to my profession To give back to the world community To have access to discounts on professional & personal services To access insurance To participate in standards development To obtain a Google Apps - formerly IEEE email alias To participate in public policy Enhance career opportunities was the key difference between YP and HGM in remaining IEEE membership BASE: Higher Grade (n=9181), Young Professional (n=2205) Q4. Which of the following reasons best describe why you continue to maintain your membership with IEEE? Please select all that apply.
Importance of IEEE products and services Higher Grade Young Professionals Online access to transactions, journals, and magazines 84% 90% Online access to conference proceedings 77% 83% Online access to standards 74% 79% Conferences 71% 80% Opportunities for professional networking 67% Technical Skills 66% 75% Continuing education opportunities 65% 72% Promoting the appreciation of technology and our profession to the general public 63% Open access publishing 62% Discounts on professional products and services 58% 69% Interaction with other members Representation on public policy issues related to the profession 56% 60% Local meetings with other professionals 54% 64% Online meetings/webinars 53% Contributing to the people of the world through humanitarian efforts 49% 59% Internet video programming of conference highlights, author interviews, and so on Printed copies of transactions, journals, and magazines 48% 51% Online career resources 47% Printed books 50% Salary and compensation benchmark data in your field Ability to participate in standards development 45% 55% Opportunities for leadership roles 44% Awards and scholarships 43% 61% Forums and newsgroups 46% Non-Technical Business Skills 40% 52% Having access to and obtaining responsive answers from the IEEE Contact Center 39% Printed copies of standards 38% Printed copies of conference proceedings 35% Social networking 32% Google Apps account- formerly the IEEE email alias 31% Insurance and other financial products and services 28% 27% Importance of IEEE products and services
Importance of the services Conclusions Barriers Lack of time Lack of knowledge how to get involved Why to stay? To remain technically current To obtain IEEE publications To continue education Importance of the services Online access to IEEE publications Conferences
Proposed actions YPX-plore µVolunteering Events Loyalty program Free access for YP to x articles/year Solve: lack of benefits for YP µVolunteering Platform implemented to Collabratec Solve: Lack of involvement, succession planning Events STEP -> Seed funding Signature Events – IEEE and non-IEEE conferences Crossectional congresses Solve: Support for AGs, increase the visibility of IEEE, involve members and volunteers, educate volunteers and increase networking , industry reps Loyalty program Pokemons of volunteering Solve: Volunteers engagement
Loyalty/Reward program Brainstorming Group 1 YPX-plore Free access for YP to x articles/year Solve: lack of benefits for YP Group 2 µVolunteering Platform implemented to Collabratec Solve: Lack of involvement, succession planning Loyalty/Reward program Friday: 14:00
IEEE Collabratec alone can’t fix this problem We can use it as a tool