Westward Expansion From Sea to Shining Sea
The Louisiana Territory (15.2)
The Louisiana Territory (15.2) Vocab: Territory = a region designed by Congress and organized under a governor; a region of land Louisiana First territory offered for expansion Butts up with MS River on the East Ideal for farming, trading, transportation Extends all the way to the Rocky Mts. “A Noble Bargain” Jefferson purchases territory from France (Napoleon) for $15 million This more than doubled the size of the country at the time The Purchase Debate Not everyone supported the purchase Concerns included: How would it be governed? Did the country have enough money to spend on this purchase? Claims of purchase being unconstitutional Purchase was approved and ratified in 1803
Florida(15.3) Vocab: Jackson Invades Florida “Govern or get out” Diplomacy = conducting negotiations with other countries Jackson Invades Florida Florida under Spain’s control Prez. Monroe sent Jackson to GA to chase Natives back to FL Jackson instead brought 1700 troops to FL and took over the region He even replaced the Spanish governor Spain was angry “Govern or get out” Monroe, advised by Adams, threatens Spain to run FL properly or get out Spain, fearing war and in need of money opts out Sells FL to US in 1819 for $5 million Spain would continue control of Texas
Texas (15.3)
Texas (15.3) American come to Texas Rising Tension The Texans Rebel Texas = a valuable territory, run by Spain 1821 Spanish officials give businessman, Austin, a piece of land in TX Simultaneously, Mexico declares independence from Spain & Texas becomes part of Mexico Austin could still start colony but settlers who were allowed in had to be Mexican citizens and become Catholic Rising Tension By 1830: 25,000 Americans to 4,000 Tejanos (Texans from Mexico) Americans did not like the way Mexico governed Angered the Mexico outlaws slavery Mexico was resentful of US and closed border for further immigration The Texans Rebel Austin askes MX to reopen borders for immigration Santa Ana jails Austin In response, Texans revolt, Santa Ana responds with force
Texas (15.3) Annex = to add a territory to a country The Alamo San Antonio, TX Texas took control of the mission building Santa Ana had his men surround the building 12 day bombardment March 6, 1836: 90 minute battle, all Texans died Texans enraged Texans win Independence Sam Houston = commander of Texas army Houston draws Santa Ana’s troops deeper into TX Texas War for Independence Surprise attack = Santa Ana retreats = independence won “Remember the Alamo” To Annex Texas or Not? Earned nickname = The Lone Star State US had different opinions South = approved of annexation since Texas allowed slavery North = opposed annexation because they did not support it entering as a slave state Manifest Destiny wins = Texas is annexed in 1845 Annex = to add a territory to a country
Oregon Country (15.5)
Oregon Country (15.5) Discovering Oregon Oregon Fever 1819 = Russia, Spain, Great Britain, US claim OR Country 1835 = Only GB and US remain US entered thanks to Lewis & Clark expedition btwn 1804 – 1806 Smith found a safer, flatter route through he Rockies called South Pass Oregon Fever Missionaries were first to travel the South Pass 1843 = over 1000 pioneers had travelled west to OR and the numbers continued to multiply All of Oregon or Half? 1844 = Polk elected president Rallied supporters: he wanted to annex all of OR country “All of Oregon or None” “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight” Treaty with Great Britain Ratified in 1846 GB moves North into present day Canada No fighting needed
The Mexican-American War (15.6)
The Mexican-American War (15.6) War Breaks Out In Texas Polk continued expanding US borders Wanted CA and NM Under the control of Mexico at that time Albeit loosely governed and thinly populated The annexation of Texas infuriated Mexico 1846 = Mexico fires on US troops on the Rio Grande killing 16. Polk declares this an act of war Mexican-American War is on! The Fall of New Mexico & California Gen. Kearny led the Army of the West out of Kansas in to NM then CA Mexico could not keep up Kearny takes NM without a fight Meantime, Fremont led rebellion against MX in CA Bear Flag Republic Kearny & Fremont join forces in CA = become victorious
The Mexican-American War (15.6) US Invades Mexico Gen. Taylor brings troops to MX from TX Northern MX = forces meet in Buena Vista, bloody battles Santa Ana gives up Southern MX US Gen. Scott takes Mexico City Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848 treaty signed by US and MX Land acquired becomes known as the Mexican Cession Present day CA, NV, UT, AZ, NM Terms included: MX gave up half its territory US paid MXD $15million & agreed to protect MX citizens in TX Congress disagreed on the treaty but it was approved by a vote of 38-14 Gadsden Purchase 1853 = James Gadsden purchased land just south of MX Cession for $10million Land was great for extending railroad – transportation made easier Purchase created border between US and MX