10YFP Sustainable Buildings and Construction Programme (SBC) Comments on proposed Indicators pekka.huovila@figbc.fi 2 Aug 2016
SBC feedback A. SCP in decision making B. The SCP knowledge base 7 inter-sectoral multi-stakeholder SCP coordination output 1 SCP considerations in policy instruments outcome 2 SCP indicators in M&E frameworks outcome 8 Private sector outcome B. The SCP knowledge base 6 Production of SCP knowledge and tools output 3 Guidelines implementation outcome 4 Use of SCP knowledge and tools outcome 5 SCP education practices outcome C. Stakeholder involvement 10 SCP active stakeholders output 11 Political outreach on SCP output 9 Commitments outcome D. Assistance and capacity building 13 Catalytic support to SCP output 14 Training on SCP output 15 Pilot and demonstration projects output 12 Financial support to the shift to SCP outcome
SBC feedback A. SCP in decision making B. The SCP knowledge base 7 inter-sectoral multi-stakeholder SCP coordination 1 SCP considerations in policy instruments W1.1, W2.7, W3.10 2 SCP indicators in M&E frameworks W3.11 8 Private sector B. The SCP knowledge base 6 Production of SCP knowledge and tools W1.4, W2.6 3 Guidelines implementation 4 Use of SCP knowledge and tools 5 SCP education practices C. Stakeholder involvement 10 SCP active stakeholders W1.2, W1.3 11 Political outreach on SCP ? 9 Commitments D. Assistance and capacity building 13 Catalytic support to SCP 14 Training on SCP 15 Pilot and demonstration projects W2.5, W4.14 12 Financial support to the shift to SCP
SBC Success measures WS1 Foster enabling frameworks to implement SBC policies Number of governments adopting and applying policies promoting SBC Number of relevant stakeholders engaged Number of participating countries and organizations engaged Number of tools and research activities identified, promoted and shared WS2 Promote sustainable housing, including affordable and social housing Nr of demonstration projects Nr of tools and methodologies for sustainable housing projects shared Nr of SBC policies in sustainable housing sector promoted and adopted WS3 Enhance Sustainability in the Building Supply Chain Increased resource efficiency as demonstrated by quantitative data Reduced material use by the sector through waste reductions Number of policy initiatives mainstreamed or new policies developed Identification and adoption of indicators for life cycle approach WS4 Reduce climate impact and strengthen climate resilience GHG and other pollutants emission reductions from pilot interventions GHG emission reduction realised over the next 10 years and related economic impacts Number of pilot interventions reducing GHG and strengthening resilience WS5 Promoting knowledge sharing, outreach and awareness raising Promote awareness raising across the stakeholders and general public Support organization of platforms for disseminating activities and results Peer groups based on specific conditions to share experiences solutions Interdisciplinary exchanges between higher education institutions and integration of sustainability consideration in relevant curricula supported by case studies