Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Open Day 2017 Fons Rademakers 21/09/2017
CERN OPENLAB’S MISSION Our recipe for success • Evaluate state-of-the-art technologies in a challenging environment and improve them. • Test in a research environment today technologies that will be used in many business sectors tomorrow. • Train the next generation of engineers/researchers. • Promote education and cultural exchanges. • Communicate results and reach new audiences. • Collaborate and exchange ideas to create knowledge and innovation. KNOWLEDGE SHARING CERN openlab Open Day 2017
COLLABORATION MEMBERS A public-private partnership between the research community and industry CERN openlab Open Day 2017
Big Data Value Veracity Variability Variety Volume Velocity Information Information Applications designed for “big data” Value Veracity Variability Variety Volume Velocity Software Data visualization, representation Data analysis and analytics platforms Pattern recognition, NLP machine learning, predictive analytics Platform Distributed Computing and Data Grids, Clouds, HPC, Crowd Computing Large storage (disks, tapes, memory) Fast data acquisition systems Flexible networks Infrastructure
Open Science Clouds The objective of CERN’s participation in the work programme is to develop policies, technologies and services that can support the Organization’s scientific programme, promote open science and expand the impact of fundamental research on society and the economy. European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) builds on the activities of Pre- Commercial Procurement (PCP) projects like HNSciCloud and provide the context for future multi-disciplinary projects.
Platforms as Enablers of EcosystemS As scale grows, a sound digital ecosystem is generated by four main elements and a way for those elements to interact on common terms Platforms are the unifying services at the intersections that enable commoditization best practices aggregation and integration share and reuse of data reproducibility collaborations, etc. Community Practice Platforms Content Technology Digital Ecosystem
Platform Layers Apps Apps = Open, standard Interfaces Apps Apps Interactive UIs, Notebooks (e.g. SWAN), Smart AI Bots Distributed digital object repositories (e.g. Zenodo) Orchestration/Instantiation (e.g. OpenStack, Docker) Data Analysis as a Platform (e.g. ROOT, Hadoop, etc.) Machine Learning as a Platform (Spark, TMVA) Simulation as a Platform (e.g. Geant, ) Cloud (hybrid on-premise/public, OpenStack, HNSC, EGICLoud, commercial providers, etc.) Storage back-end (on-premise, cloud storage, standard APIs)
CERN Medical Apps Strategy In June 2017 the CERN Council approved the “Strategy and framework applicable to knowledge transfer by CERN for the benefit of medical applications” The document states that “CERN’s medical applications-related activities shall focus on R&D projects, using technologies and infrastructures that are uniquely available at CERN”. Computing for health applications is one of the areas of activity in the scope of the strategy.
Pilot Projects Working with communities beyond HEP Since the start of our fifth phase, other research institutes can join CERN openlab. Sharing tools, skills, and knowledge between the high-energy physics community and other research fields. Our collaboration with research communities beyond HEP brings together all aspects of our work: technological investigation, education and dissemination. ‘Pilot’ projects related to biomedical research: BioDynaMo Developing a cloud-based platform for modelling biological development. GeneROOT Using ROOT to analyse and share large genomic data sets and pipelines.
“Smart Things” and IoT Understand the potential and impact of technologies such as Internet of Things, fast wireless/mobile communication (5G), and large-scale DA/ML Raise awareness among the community by collecting and aggregating interests and setting up Proof of Concept projects Main interests so far: data center operations optimization, environmental control, mobility CERN is well-placed geographically and technologically to play a central role Current status: Requirements analysis Seeking collaborations: developers, domain experts, testers, use cases
Innovation & Entrepreneurship The Globe of Science and Innovation
Education and Training ML-Assisted Image Feature Recognition Augmented Reality for Maps Navigation Extension of LHC@Home to New Applications Distributed Cosmic Ray Detector
CONTACTS ALBERTO DI MEGLIO CERN openlab Head ANDREW PURCELL CERN openlab Communications Officer MARIA GIRONE CERN openlab CTO FONS RADEMAKERS CERN openlab CRO KRISTINA GUNNE CERN openlab Administration/Finance Officer CERN openlab Open Day 2017