State of the City Clive Chamber of Commerce Thursday, November 3 Mayor Scott Cirksena
Metro Property Tax Rate Rankings Lowest to Highest – Cities Above 4,000 Population Altoona $9.94 Clive $10.14 Urbandale $10.23 Johnston $11.40 Pleasant Hill $11.65 Ankeny $11.75 West Des Moines $12.00 Grimes $12.91 Waukee $13.50 Norwalk $15.70 Windsor Heights $15.96 Des Moines $16.92 -Clive did have a $0.15 tax rate increase earlier this year, but even with that increase Clive is still one of the lowest tax rates -Clive remains competitive and combined with the citizen satisfaction ratings mentioned prior is the “Best Deal in the Metro Area”
Vision 2031 Clive 2031 is a beautiful, safe city with great residential neighborhoods throughout buildout. Clive 2031 provides exceptional family living and opportunities for personal wellness. Clive 2031 has the Distinctive Clive Greenbelt, and a revitalized 86th Street Corridor and Neighborhood. We take pride in Clive! -1st statement: focusing on a well designed, clean and safe community with a variety of quality homes, neighborhood links to the greenbelt and easy access to shopping and community amenities. -2nd Statement: We want to be the preferred place to raise your children in the Des Moines region with opportunities for physical, mental and spiritual wellness through the trail/park system, public art and strong faith based institutions. -3rd Statement: We want to continue to enhance the Clive Greenbelt Trail and convert 86th Street into an Urban Neighborhood that is pedestrian-friendly with retail and restaurants. -4th Statement: By taking pride in Clive we want to continue our positive reputation in the Metro Area and encourage our residents, businesses and community organizations to participate and contribute to the Clive community.
Plan 2021 Financially Sound City Providing Services Valued by Residents Upgrade City Facilities and Infrastructure Distinctive Clive Greenbelt Great Place to Live: The Premier Location for Families -These are our strategic goals for the next five years to help us realize our Vision -1st Goal: We want to deliver cost effective and efficient services by leveraging partnerships with others to maintain our high level of customer satisfaction and low tax rate. -2nd Goal: We need to ensure we are properly maintaining our critical city infrastructure that already exists and meeting the infrastructure demands of a growing community through well designed streets and expansion of the Greenbelt Trail to the northwest. -3rd Goal: We want to have a specific focus on investing in the City’s #1 quality of life amenity, the Clive Greenbelt, and that includes reinvestment in existing areas and making sure it is expanded to Clive’s borders. -4th Goal: We want to offer great neighborhood choices with quality homes that have convenient access to city leisure and recreational facilities and are well maintained to enhance home values throughout the community. We want Clive residents to take pride in their neighborhoods.
Execution – Policy Agenda Top Priority Fire/EMS Service Collaboration: Direction 86th Corridor Redevelopment 114th St Corridor Development: Mercy Project City Manager Succession/Selection Greenbelt Master Plan Adoption Citywide Stormwater Management Master Plan High Priority Buckeye Partners Zoning Agreement Zoning/Subdivision Ordinance Revision Walnut Creek Watershed Plan Adoption Mobile Vendors/Food Trucks Ordinance Review North Neighborhoods Development Concept Plan Post Construction Stormwater Ordinance Revisions These items are going to be the focus of the City Council for the next 12 months, this is what was updated in August 2016 -The top priority items focus on setting plans for the revitalization of key areas of the community, such as the 86th Street corridor and Clive Greenbelt as noted in the City’s vision statement. Other areas of focus include a process to replace the City Manager pending his announced retirement in January 2018 and continuing to work on the stormwater challenges that face the Clive community through project work and adjustments to stormwater regulations. -The High Priority items center on development projects throughout the community with a distinct focus on updating the City’s zoning code as many needed adjustments have been brought to light, especially through discussions with Chamber members, other areas of focus is the planning for the final square mile of Clive development in the NW area and adjusting our code to allow for food trucks in key areas of the community.
Key Initiative Greenbelt Master Plan -18 months of effort to develop a long-term 25 year plan to enhance and expand the Clive Greenbelt trail and park system -Goes beyond trails and parks, with environmental considerations such as water resources and habitat key factors. -Five distinct districts, The Falls, The Oxbows, The Lakes, The Headwaters, The Wilds -Top three items we are seeking to address in the plan, better trail connectivity, managing stormwater more effectively and maintaining/expanding habitat and natural areas. -Plan approved by City Council on October 27, now moving to implementation by incorporating the short-term projects in capital improvements -Focus areas for the coming years will be the trail between 114th and 100th street, expanding the trail west of Alice’s Road and a new trail section along North Walnut Creek -Full plan is available on the City’s website, and currently working on a user-friendly e-book of the lengthy master plan
Key Initiative: Pavement Rehabilitation -Starting in 2011, street pavement rehabilitation continues to be a major focus -Funded through franchise fee on gas and electric, generates approximately $1 million per year -Major 2016 project was a joint project w/ WDM on University Ave, recently completed, very successful project -Bottom map are completed projects in gray and projected project areas for the next 6-7 years. -Street Rehab Map Notes: Interstate 80/35 on far left, 75th Street on far right, 100th street in the middle
Key Initiative: New Development City Council and P&Z members went on a development tour on October 15 to view all of the next projects in the last year and coming in the next year Many new commercial projects, Natural Grocers, Jimmy Johns, Willis Lexus Expansion/Remodel, Granite City, Casey’s New 80 acres annexed into Clive from Waukee as a part of an annexation/de-annexation agreement, working with our neighbors to clean up boundaries. One of those newly annexed areas at the NE corner of Douglas and Alice’s Road, Chayse Landing, was platted and set for 45 lots of residential development, with a new city park to come We get a ton of questions on the tower that was built north of Hickman, east of 156th Street. That is a cell tower, with the capability to have multiple providers on one tower, rather than multiple towers.
2016 Citizen Satisfaction Survey Overall, 96% of Clive residents rated their quality of life as "excellent" or "good". Of the 45 community characteristics rated, Clive ranked above national benchmarks in 33 characteristics, with no ratings below the benchmark and the rest similar to benchmarks 23 of the 36 Governance items rated above the benchmarks, with the other 13 similar to the benchmarks. Clive residents indicated a strong trust for the City of Clive government and feel they receive good value for their City tax dollar. 97% of Clive residents would recommend living in Clive to someone else. Citizen satisfaction ratings increased for sidewalk maintenance, traveling by bicycle and employment opportunities. Citizen ratings of the City's overall direction, treat residents fairly and services provided were all higher than comparison communities. -Response rate within typical range of 25-40%, Benchmarks includes over 350 communities, including 16 Iowa cities (7 in Metro) -Citizen perception of Clive, not the only tool, but a very important tool to understand citizen satisfaction -Overall 50% of comparison points were above the benchmark -89% satisfaction for quality city services and 86% for overall direction of community -Shows the confidence citizens have in Clive’s direction and that the quality and courtesy of our staff really makes a difference
Metro Property Tax Rate Rankings Lowest to Highest – Cities Above 4,000 Population Altoona $9.94 Clive $10.14 Urbandale $10.23 Johnston $11.40 Pleasant Hill $11.65 Ankeny $11.75 West Des Moines $12.00 Grimes $12.91 Waukee $13.50 Norwalk $15.70 Windsor Heights $15.96 Des Moines $16.92 -Clive did have a $0.15 tax rate increase earlier this year, but even with that increase Clive is still one of the lowest tax rates -Clive remains competitive and combined with the citizen satisfaction ratings mentioned prior is the “Best Deal in the Metro Area”
Thank You! Questions? This is just a brief snapshot of a number of key items the City of Clive is focusing on. Detailed information is available on the City’s website at so I encourage you to take a look at both the strategic plan and citizen satisfaction survey results