16 Slavery and the Old South 1793-1860
Essential Question In what ways was the South entirely dependent on the institute of slavery?
The Southern Economy
“King Cotton” and the Dependence on Slaves
“King Cotton” and the Dependence on Slaves
“King Cotton” and the Dependence on Slaves
“King Cotton” and the Dependence on Slaves
“King Cotton” and the Dependence on Slaves
Review The deep South relied heavily on slavery for its economy and social structure Virginia relied on slaves and the sales of slaves The North and West also benefitted from slavery
The Nonslaveholding South
White and Black Migrations
Review Most people in the South didn’t own slaves The raising of pigs was important to the South’s economy The internal slave trade was important to the South’s cotton and overall economy
Discuss What steps needed to be taken for the South to rely less on slavery? In today’s world, is there a comparable dependence?
Master and Slaves
Master and Slaves Family on Smith's Plantation, Beaufort, South Carolina, circa 1862, four generations of slaves
Review Slaves were at the mercy of their master Paternalism created a society that nurtured the bonds of slavery
Discuss When people went and fought in the Civil War, what aspects of society were they defending?
Compare and contrast the experience of slaves on tobacco plantations in the early seventeenth-century Chesapeake region with that of slaves on nineteenth-century cotton plantations in the Deep South. What forces transformed the institution of slavery from the early seventeenth century to the nineteenth century? (10B)
Free blacks
Review Free blacks attempted to make a place for themselves in American society, but racist laws prevented them from any notion of equality.
Religion and the family life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVKKRzemX_w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ICFIlsUlGg
Review Slaves made their own culture and used family and religion to maintain some control over their lives.
Discuss How did slaves use religion and family to better their lives?
Slave Resistance
Slave Resistance
Review Resistance usually took the form of silent sabotage, but could result in very violent uprisings
After watching the film clip Respond to the clip and Nat Turner’s slave revolt in the eyes of one of the following. Write a 1 paragraph mock editorial. A slave preacher A reporter for The Liberator A Mississippi plantation owner A Virginia politician A Massachusetts politician A free black in New Orleans