Living and Dying In Our Community - What Can We Do together Living and Dying In Our Community - What Can We Do together? Claire Henry Chief Executive Anita Hayes Quality Improvement lead #WhatCanYouDo
The National Council for Palliative Care Founded in 1991, The National Council for Palliative Care (NCPC) is a registered charity providing training, leadership and support to improve end of life care and bereavement for all. We are a membership and subscriber based organisation Our vision Everyone who has palliative care needs or is approaching the end of life, dying or bereaved should receive the high quality care and support they need, where and when they need it. We surveyed our subscribers this year, to find out what you think about how we are doing. We were delighted with the results. Here are some headlines: 2
Public facing Dying Matters Coalition The aim is to raise public awareness about the importance of talking more openly and taking action about dying, death and bereavement We are a board Coalition of over 32,000 members including: Individuals, NHS, voluntary & Independent Health Sectors, Social Care, Housing, Faith & Belief Groups, Community, Retirement organisations, Schools, Academia, Legal, Insurance, Finance & Funerals NCPC the umbrella charitable body for palliative care: Influences government policy; Supports all sectors involved in providing, commissioning and using hospice and palliative care services; Promotes palliative care for all; Provides guidance on best practice Members of Dying Matters include: NHS, voluntary and independent health and care sectors, including hospices, care homes, charities supporting old people, children and bereavement, from social care and housing sectors, faith organisations, community organisations, schools and colleges, academic bodies, trade unions, the legal profession and from the funeral sector Our members are working together to encourage people to talk about their wishes including where they want to die and their funeral plans with friends, family and loved ones #WhatCanYouDo
Dying Matters: Awareness week – Impact from 2016 Our Awareness Week in May 2016 was themed ‘The Big Conversation’ Thousands of individuals running events across the country. During this year more than 10,000 hours were volunteered to run a wide variety of events Our online survey highlighted that over 500,000 people had a ‘Big Conversation’ during the week alone. The impact of our online media has grown exponentially with a 22% increase, compared to last year, of visitors to our website and our followers #WhatCanYouDo
And we continue to grow on that success! During 2016, the Dying Matters website continued its steady trajectory. The website received over 2 million page views (compared with 1.4 million in 2015 – an increase of 44%) We have also enjoyed increasing reach through social media. At the end of 2015, we had just over 33,000 followers on Twitter. At the end of 2016, we had just over 43,000. #WhatCanYouDo
Welsh Government sponsored Bilingual Developing partnerships Chair, Hywel Francis Welsh Government sponsored Bilingual Developing partnerships Senedd - Assembly drop-in session - November Advance care planning Event planned 11th May Small Grant Funds #WhatCanYouDo
Important National Policy Department of Health (2016). Our Commitment to you for End of Life Care. The Government Response to the Review of the Choice in End of Life Care. London: DH #WhatCanYouDo
6 commitments to each person at end of life Honest discussions Informed choices about care Personalised care plans for everyone Opportunity to share your personalised care plans with your care professionals Involvement of family, carers and people important to you in discussions about your care, to the extent you wish Know who to contact at any time #WhatCanYouDo
Ambition 6: Each community is prepared to help Focus in this presentation on Ambition 6 – and its 4 building blocks: Compassionate & resilient communities Public awareness Practical support Volunteers Emphasis on the importance of public awareness and Dying Matters #WhatCanYouDo
The problem… #WhatCanYouDo
The answer… #WhatCanYouDo
What can you do? - New Resources #WhatCanYouDo
Do not forget existing useful resources
What can you do Six main things you can do to be ready for Dying Matters Awareness Week and support our work: Organise events and activities for the awareness week and let us know what are planning so we can promote and support - and crucially do feed back afterwards. Order your Dying Matters awareness week resources now Have the conversations to make end of life wishes known and encourage others to do the same and write them down Act as ambassadors for Dying Matters – spread the word, tell us your story and encourage others to join and get involved Tweet, blog and post about your events and about Awareness Week as much as possible – and don’t forget to include the hashtag #WhatCanYouDo Share your ideas and let us know how we can support you #WhatCanYouDo
What you are already planning Variety of events across the country Book launch Films Dying Matters Conferences -Stoke on Trent, Manchester Art exhibitions, death cafes, Before I Die walls, market stalls, debates, bereavement seminars... #BigConversation
New Resources #WhatCanYouDo
New Resources #WhatCanYouDo
Bill’s Story
Resources Find Me Help A party for Kath I didn’t want that Compassionate employers programme
Table Discussions What do you understand about community development? What support is already established in your communities to support someone who may be approaching the end of life What could be optimised amplified, developed What skills and resources do you have/need?
Contact us Leaflets and posters (including those to advertise your Dying Matters activities) available Banners also available, with option for co-branding Online support on how to run your own event #WhatCanYouDo