Creating Supportive Environments for LGBTQ Students Missy Sturtevant, LCSW Director and Founder MaeBright Group, LLC Consultant with the Safe Schools Program for LGBTQ Students Cultural competency piece – learn more about this population
Introductions 3 good things from the last 24 hours Define the word transgender Introductions
Adapted from original concept: González, Prell, Rivas, Schwartz GSA story? Adapted from original concept: González, Prell, Rivas, Schwartz
Adapted from: Sexual Orientation Gay/Lesbian Bisexual/ Pansexual Straight We make assumptions about gender expression Adapted from:
Adapted from: Sexual Orientation Gay/Lesbian Bisexual/ Pansexual Straight Assigned Sex at Birth Male Intersex Female We make assumptions about gender expression Adapted from:
Adapted from: Sexual Orientation Gay/Lesbian Bisexual/ Pansexual Straight Assigned Sex at Birth Male Intersex Female Gender Identity Man Non-binary Woman We make assumptions about gender expression Adapted from:
Adapted from: Sexual Orientation Gay/Lesbian Bisexual/ Pansexual Straight Assigned Sex at Birth Male Intersex Female Gender Identity Man Non-binary Woman Gender Expression Masculine Androgynous Feminine We make assumptions about gender expression Adapted from:
Assigned Sex at Birth does not determine Gender Expression
Gender Identity is different than Assigned Sex at Birth
Transgender Identities transgender woman / trans girl / woman / girl transgender man / trans guy / man / guy / boy gender variant / gender fluid / genderqueer
Social Transition Medical affirming name + pronouns clothing + finding support + gendered spaces + self-identification Social Transition Medical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) affirming surgeries + hormone suppressing medication What it entails – social – name, pronouns, clothing, self identification Medical – HRT, surgery, hormone suppression (don’t have to spend a lot of time on)
Transgender is not a Sexual Orientation Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender Transgender is not a Sexual Orientation
Queer Queer Identity Community
Chapter 76, Section 5 The MA Student Anti-discrimination Law No person shall be excluded from or discriminated against in admission to a public school of any town, or in obtaining the advantages, privileges and courses of study of such public school on account of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.
MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Guidance on Gender Identity Name, gender marker, and record changes Bathrooms and locker rooms Confidentiality Athletics Gendered practices
Hurtful Language Stop it. Name it. Claim it. That’s so gay No homo
Questions from students and parents
Micro-aggression Micro-affirmation
That you want to work on You know you will be great at One Thing
Missy Sturtevant, LCSW Questions Missy Sturtevant, LCSW MaeBright Group, LLC