PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL – VIAVI SOLUTIONS 2016 The MoCA Experience SCTE North-Country Chapter Minneapolis, MN November 16, 2016 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL – VIAVI SOLUTIONS 2016 VIAVI works hard to keep items presented as clear as possible. However due to rapidly changing technologies and environments, any of the items on in our presentation may be out of date at any given time. VIAVI cannot commit to a specific item or date and reserves the right to make changes to the roadmap at any time.
Hi my name is MoCA…
I'm a high energy, robust RF signal – operating at a delicately high frequency – with the hopes of conversing freely in a safe and contained atmosphere. Likes Travelling (on Coaxial cable) Quiet time Open communication Dislikes Leaving the house Long - winding trips Chatty roommate's In search of a well connected and solid partner that can support me PHYsically and can help me change directions quickly.
OFDM with Adaptive Rate Modulation MoCA Specs Current Version 2.0 (1.0 & 1.1 compatible) Frequencies 500-1650 MHz Modulation OFDM (adaptive rate) Data Rates (3 modes) Baseline – 700 Mbps PHY rate, 400Mbps (MAC rate - layer 2), Single channel Enhanced – 1.4 Gbps PHY, 800Mbps (MAC), bond 2 channels Turbo – allows point to point burst of speed to 500Mbps (MAC) in Baseline Mode and 1000 Mbps in enhanced mode OFDM with Adaptive Rate Modulation Dynamic modulation (BPSK to 256QAM) and data rates (PHY) based on the quality of the physical layer (house wiring, splitters, connectors, etc) Lower SNR = lower quality = slower modulation = slower PHY rates Higher SNR = higher quality = higher modulation = faster PHY rates
PHYsical Network
Great Customer Experience Happy MoCA Noise Low SNR High Congestion Low Good PHY rates Great Customer Experience
Potential / Occasional impacted customer experience “OK” MoCA Noise Low SNR Congestion Low Mediocre PHY rates Potential / Occasional impacted customer experience
Potential / Occasional impacted customer experience “OK” MoCA Noise Low SNR High Congestion High Mediocre PHY rates Potential / Occasional impacted customer experience
Poor Customer Experience Sad MoCA Noise High SNR Low Congestion Low Poor PHY rates Poor Customer Experience
In the Home
125 ft 75 ft POE 25 ft 4-way splitter
MoCA can tolerate up to 50 dB of clean RF loss Basic OPTIMUM Install Physical layer impact RG6 Cable 100ft = 7.2 dB @ 1150MHz 4 way splitter Port to Port Isolation = 30 dB Total RF loss – 37.2 dB MoCA can tolerate up to 50 dB of clean RF loss Very ROBUST! BUT what happens when…. 125 ft 75 ft POE 25 ft 4-way splitter
Still not bad under OPTIMUM circumstances…but… POE moved to tap In house RG6 Cable 100ft = 7.2 dB @1150MHz Outside drop is 125ft x2 = 18 dB @1150Mhz 4 way splitter insertion loss 8 dB in both directions = 16 dB Total RF loss – 41.2 dB Still not bad under OPTIMUM circumstances…but… more cable, connectors and devices = more opportunity for noise to enter – reducing SNR – reducing the ability for MoCA to use higher modulation THEN….. 125 ft 75 ft POE 25 ft 4-way splitter
Troubleshooting …and why Divide and conquer doesn’t work so well! WARNING - BORING “TEXT ONLY” SLIDE COMING NEXT!!!
Divide and Conquer Works Fantastically when you are dealing with RF signals travelling on a fixed frequency in a single direction (Downstream/Upstream) Not so well when you have multiple signals dynamically changing frequency and modulation travelling in multiple directions at high power Equivalent to troubleshooting a downstream QAM problem if the power level was changing frequency and moving closer and further away from the location you were testing What we do know… Customer impacting MoCA problems are MOSTLY RF related Attenuation and Ingress
Move the STB and retest Rate Table? Rate Tables will only notify you that a problem exists Impractical, time consuming, and COMPLETELY changes the MoCA network! 204 PHY RATE We’ve seen very strong MoCA signals hit a close reflection (short jumper to splitter) cause STRONG harmonics and impacts MoCA performance negatively
Visual inspection of the Physical network? Lets count the parts… AGAIN – Impractical, time consuming, and costly and you cant see some of the parts! How many physical parts in this SIMPLE MoCA network? 39 physical parts! 3 5 1 2 4 6 204 PHY RATE STB connector cable wall plate drop connector splitter wall plate connector cable STB 7 8 9 10 17 15 13 16 14 12 11
What Can WE do? Clean up the ingress/noise at ALL frequencies FIX Physical cable impairments impedance mismatch, kinks, water in cable, etc. all impact higher frequencies more DON’T move MoCA devices to test changes the network characteristics - more total power, more traffic, higher likelihood for collisions, and more opportunity for noise entry Use tools that test physical layer transmission paths frequency response, length and noise at the higher MoCA frequencies Be SMART - IDentify tools that show reflections, harmonics, ingress, impedance, etc. all need to be optimized to proof and validate a MoCA network ™