The theme: «My profession is welder» The task: to summarize students’ knowledge of their profession. Aims of the lesson: 1 Educational: revision of all the materials about profession. To check up knowledge on this theme, to be able to speak about their profession. 2 Development: to develop professional skills and abilities of students, to develop understanding, logical thinking and oral speech, mental activities. 3 Upbringing: to bring up love to their profession, cause the interest to the learning English. The type of the lesson: revision lesson Activities: lesson-competition Method: group work Inter subject connection: connection with special subjects, Russian. Equipment: interactive board, cards, round tables.
Warm up activity 1. What is your profession? 2. What do you think about your profession? 3.Why are you interested in your future profession? 4.Is your profession a fashionable and easy ? 5.Is your profession responsible, useful, practical and highly paid? 6. Do you like to work from welding machine? 7. How well do you understand in tools? 8. Can you stand on your feet for a long time and work with heavy metal tools?
Task 1. Making a cluster. Writing. a/What associations do you have when you hear the word “Profession”? Make up the sentences or word –combinations . Profession Qualification Skills Occupation Job To improve To work To train Education
Teacher ; lawyer; book- keeper ; doctor ; actor ; cooker; economist ; journalist ; programmer operator ; advertising manager ; shop assistant; mechanic
Building professions an engineer an architect a foremen a carpenter a joiner a bricklayer (mason) a plumber an electrician a house painter a concrete layer a plasterer a roofer a welder a glazier
Task 2. Translate this words into Russian Task 2. Translate this words into Russian. What professional skills must have welder? Listen to your classmates. 1 .manual dexterity. 2 .to know the safety and operating instructions. 3 . good eye-hand coordination. 4 .the ability to concentrate on detailed work. 5 .the ability bend, climb. 6. patience. 7 .to know drafts, charts 8 .to know the device of welding machine 9 .good eyesight know the technology of a metal
Task 3. WELDING CLOTHING. Answer the following questions. (orally) 1/How do you protect your body during the welding? 2/How do you protect your breath during the welding? 3/How do you protect your feet during the welding? 4/How do you protect your hands during the welding? 5/How do you protect your eyes during the welding? 6/How do you protect your head during the welding?
Types of welding and place of welding - Automatic ; - semi-automatic ; - laser ; - plasma ; electric arc ; - gas ; -robotized ; On the land ; under the water In space
Task 5 1. Read the text. Try to understand it well. What is the text about? 2. Find the following words in the text and translate. Writing. 3. Answer the following questions. Writing.
My Profession is welder . A building profession is one of the most important and necessary in any country of the world. There are many professions that are fashionable today, which everyone dreams. For example, economist, lawyer, journalist, advertising manager. But fashionable profession is not always necessary in a society . It is difficult to find a job, along with hundreds of others like you. So in choosing their profession, I will not look back on fashion and advertising. I want to become a welder. Why I made this choice? Welder’s job — a real man’s profession. It is very interesting and requires high skills. It is a responsible and highly paid, because it is very in demand. Skilled construction workers are always needed to build new buildings. Old houses are destroyed with time. Even in order to reconstruct the old building, builders need work: engineers, foremen, skilled workers.
- Welders during their professional education and training receive the necessary skills and knowledge o of scheduling ,planning ,design, management and the cost aspects of project. - In addition they also have knowledge of scheduling , planning, design, management and the cost aspects of project. - Good level of manual dexterity - Good level of hand/eye coordination - The ability to read measurements correctly - The ability to work unsupervised and check your own work -The ability to read technical drawings - Good knowledge of safety procedures - The ability to use all equipment safely and correctly- Experienced welders have a good advance from builder to foreman or supervisor, workshop manager or shift manager. -There may also have the chance to move into inspection, testing or quality control with the right experience.
Task 6 - Answer the questions and play a role –game ( director of RC Ukhov N.D. and social partner from USA about the professional education of welders in our country, using this questions in groups of three: 1.-What do welders receive during their professional education and training? 2.-What knowledge do they have in addition? 3.-What professional welder skills need for career advance? 4-What career advance have experienced welders having good professional skills?
Watch Video «Robots of the future» -What kinds of robots do you?(Robots for studying languages; for cleaning the room, robot -cars . -What the robots were invented for? - in order to help people in his job - In order to use robots in extremely situations ,during explosion on atomic power-station instead of people.
. 1 noun . 2 adjectives . 3 verbs . 1 sentence . 1 synonym . 1 feeling Task 8 Make up the cinquain . 1 noun . 2 adjectives . 3 verbs . 1 sentence . 1 synonym . 1 feeling
Reflection. Summing -up Now, tell me, what are your impressions? Do you like our lesson? Was it interesting or difficult? Say a few words. “So, my dear friends, you’ve mentioned the importance of getting special education and training for your future career. I think you understand that to succeed in life it is often really important to have special skills and get good knowledge of your future profession. I wish you good luck in your training, and I hope you’ll become great masters and will be able to use English in your life and your career growth. The results of your work personally and of your group in general”
Homework: (Write a letter about yourself and your building colleges to your pen friend).
Thank you for your attention Good bye