Test Systems SQA Incident Tracking System by William Gunkel, Manager Test System SQA
SQA Incident Tracking System Overview Test Systems has retired the old bug tracking system ‘Track Record” We now use Win95/98 NT based incident tracking system ‘Visual Intercept’ With independence from the hearing instrument the software WILL NOT have to be changed and redistributed. Each time a new hearing instrument is added or changed We need only send out the definition file. This fill will be protected so that any unauthorized changes made will be detected It’s not just tracking bugs anymore We track: Bugs, feature requests, V&V Test requests, Document / design change requests, AND any other issues that require an electronic paper trail
SQA Incident Tracking System Installation Folder Software server: Swgroup: Which should be mapped as your ‘I’ drive
SQA Incident Tracking System Installation If you do not already have Visual Intercept installed As shown on the previous slide go to the ‘VI’ folder and run the ‘Setup.exe’ program to install Visual Intercept client on your PC VI is on the ‘Software’ server, under the swgroup folder The swgroup folder on the Software server should be mapped as your ‘I’ drive
SQA Incident Tracking System Installation options Use the NetSetup defined configuration
SQA Incident Tracking System Installation options Note the required path to the database
SQA Incident Tracking System Installation options Continue, we do not use the ‘primary’ directory
SQA Incident Tracking System Installation options Must use the existing database
SQA Incident Tracking System Installation options Must use the existing datasource
SQA Incident Tracking System Log on screen Again a new DLL will be created as the ‘test library’ This DLL will house all the test suite for the current test standards (ANSI JIS IEC) Enter your network login name Password is your login name
SQA Incident Tracking System Setup Options: Integration The previous Fonix software was based on the Hybrid test program which include a great deal of “engineering” features. These will be removed The Operator screen will be simplified as not minimize the number and type of selection made Mult-language support will be designed in
SQA Incident Tracking System Setup Options: Integration From the Tools menu Select Options Set path for Documents to: I:\PROGRAMS\Visual Intercept Enterprise\docs Set path for temp folder to: I:\PROGRAMS\Visual Intercept Enterprise\temp Set path for reports to: I:\PROGRAMS\Visual Intercept Enterprise\Reports
SQA Incident Tracking System Setup Options: Integration Set the Visual Source Safe Path to: \\SOFTWARE\SWGROUP\Vss\srcsaf User ID: Your VSS login name Password: Your VSS password
SQA Incident Tracking System Setup Options: Mail Current database engine will be enhanced to save the additional information required for new “independence” Extra data for test defs etc
SQA Incident Tracking System Setup Options: Mail VI has built in Email notification system. Receive Email notice when your ‘incident changes status Set User ID: Same as your network login ID Password same as your network password Set template path to: I:\PROGRAMS\Visual Intercept Enterprise\ismail.tpl
SQA Incident Tracking System Setup Options: Notification Set the Notification option to ‘OnChange’, any changes to your incident will generate an Email to you The Master Document Interface (MDI) is the container for the application. With the exception of the Monitor Window all windows will be lock with the MDI
SQA Incident Tracking System Setup Options: Notification Set Directory to: I:\PROGRAMS\Visual Intercept Enterprise\Rules
SQA Incident Tracking System Setup Options: Queries All queries with check marks in the box will be listed in the IDE queries pull down box
SQA Incident Tracking System Setup Options: Queries Set Directory to: I:\PROGRAMS\Visual Intercept Enterprise\Queries
SQA Incident Tracking System Tool Bar Click here to enter a new incident Click here to fetch all incidents in the database Click here to select a pre-defined query Click here to run the query
SQA Incident Tracking System Project Browser Window Previously reported incidents You may use the project browser window to pick the project for which you wish to record an incident The incident should be reported to the project with the narrowest possible focus. In the case of ‘Fonix III’ for a source code issue with the GUI you would use ‘Fonix III\GUI\Source’ sub-project. If the issue was say a feature request for the GUI you would apply incident at the ‘Fonix III\GUI’ sub-project level
SQA Incident Tracking System Project Browser Window: Versions Double clicking any of the project folders will display the ‘Project’ dialog which list the version for that project. If the current version is not listed, add it by pressing the ‘New’ button. Or if a version number does not apply to this project use/add ‘None’ Please contact SQA if you can not find the Project for which you wish to report an incident
SQA Incident Tracking System Project Browser Window: Tool Bar Select your project then press the new incident button on the tool bar, OR just press the new incident button and select the project from the incident dialog
SQA Incident Tracking System Incident Form: Part 1 All Incidents must have a ‘Subject’, keep it simple but as descriptive as possible Track number is not a required field & may be used to tie to some other tracking system (EAR etc.)
SQA Incident Tracking System Incident Form: Part 2 Be sure and make the correct project and version selection The fields shown in the circle are for the ‘Requester’ and should be set as required Please make careful selection of the category, as this is a key field for searching and tracking incidents The description of the problem should ALWAYS be as complete as possible. Include build number and date of test software if applicable. Also include ‘test environment’ information (location, gear used etc.)
SQA Incident Tracking System My Incident Query You may check all your incidents by running the ‘My Incidents’ query as shown