The Negative Effects of Industrial Farming Why industrial farming has become an epidemic to the small farming community. How the environment is reacting to such industrial growth among farming.
World Trade Organization What is the WTO? WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations are ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business.
But Who Is It Really Helping? The WTO requires American farmers to adopt factory-style agricultural operations in order to survive. Thus, eliminating competition from small farmers. And it further promotes industrial farming practices, which may include labor cuts.
WTO and Globalization The WTO stresses globalization and believes in creating a world in which all countries share a free market, which promotes unity and peace. This is easier said than done.
What Globalization Means to the Small Farmer “It means domestic policies that support international deals which are in the interests of corporate agribusiness.” Bill Christison Bill Christison, president-U.S. National Family Farm Coalition
What Globalization Means to the Corporate Farmer “We see globalization as opportunity. We’ve taken an aggressive position and are looking at potential overseas business opportunities.”-Dale Huss, Ocean Mist Farms.
US Farms After Globalization
WTO Globalization Policies Force US prices as low as possible by removing an effective commodity loan rate or reserve. “Dumping”- constitute unfair competition. Force the world price to levels that are unsustainable for farmers around the world. Most notably small US farmers.
What’s Being Done? Current negotiations in the agricultural trade reform process. Many new groups are coming together to fight WTO policies, such as: the National Family Farm Coalition and Missouri Rural Crisis Center.
Industrial Farmers Take “Unfortunately small farmers are having a hard time competing for the same reasons other business people are (including large farmers). This trend will continue as the marketplace shrinks to fewer and fewer retailers. I also believe that as more of the earth’s surface is bulldozed and paved there will be less area for crops to grow to feed the earth’s population. I can’t understand how we will feed the people if bio tech is not allowed to move forward. It of course will – at least someplace.” -Dale Huss, Ocean Mist Farms.
The Effects on the Ecosystem Pollution-water, air, soil. Pesticides Habitat destruction-Birds. Expansion of Farm Land Soil depletion, erosion. Over Producing Cost of repairs to these environmental problems exceeds production value.
What Are Industrial Farmers Doing? Using recycled water Cut back on fertilizer New cooling systems Drip irrigation Low-impact, new age pesticides Pesticides applied when wind is low Meetings to debate whether spraying is needed “Large farming organizations are targets for local agencies because we are easy to inspect.”-Dale Huss, Ocean Mist
Organic Farming-A Cure All? Pesticide Free Better Prices for small farmers Maintains and Replenishes Soil Fertility An alternative to fighting foreign imports! Has become increasingly popular among Central Valley farmers.
Central Valley Agriculture