National Agriculture Market eNAM
About eNAM Electronic National Agriculture Market (eNAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal which networks the existing APMC mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities eNAM Portal provides a single window service for all APMC related information and services to its stakeholders i.e. farmers, traders, buyers, processers and exporters Total 585 markets to be covered under eNAM by March 2018
Benefits of e-NAM Electronic Book Keeping Transparency in trading Better monitoring and regulation Reduction in leakages of financial resources Proper data management Better data analysis and market intelligence
eNAM in Himachal Total 19 Markets has been identified to be covered under eNAM 2 Markets i.e. Dhalli Shimla and Solan had been identified to pilot launch on 14 April 2016. 5 other markets i.e Bhattakoffer-Shimla, Parwanoo, Jassor, Bhuntar and Takoli has be indentified for 2nd phase implementation of e-NAM Commodity traded is apple, shelling pea and garlic
Issues DPR of 19 markets has been submitted with cost of Rs. 5.70 crores, State is yet to receive the amount. Inflow to crop i.e. apple and off season vegetables is high in season hence 100% electronic mode is difficult.
Current activities Computer hardware procurement process of next phase nodes is in process Sensitization campaign has been conducted Induction meeting with officials of participating APMCs and Service provider will be conducted on 18.09.2016
Future Total 19 Markets will be covered under eNAM by March 2018. 2 Markets in Phase I, 5 Markets in Phase II and 12 Markets in Phase III Commodities traded will be primarily Fruits and vegetables, spices and food grains eNAM will be implemented in 9 APMCs out of total 10 in the state