Science-Flying Ghosts GM 2nd Grade Oct. 2-6 How to contact us: Mrs. Connie Goergen: Mrs. Darcy Hanken: Mrs. Tonya Klapperick – Elem. Office 507-754-5317 Oct. 4 Midterm Oct. 19-20 No School – MEA Oct. 23 No School – Staff Develop. Oct. 31 Halloween Party 1:15 – 2:45 Dec. 1 Gingerbread Houses during the day Dec. 4 Elem. Christmas Concert in evening Please make sure to check both sides of this newsletter every weekend. HALLOWEEN PARTY PLANNERS Needed: The second grade Halloween party will be on Tuesday, Oct. 31 from 1:14-2:45. If you would like to plan party games, make goodie bags, and/or food-drink for the party, please write a note in the Lark notebook to let your child’s teacher know. Each second grade will have their own party. Mrs. Hanken has 14 students, Mrs. Goergen has 15 students. 3 Science-Flying Ghosts 4 Walk to School Day Book orders are due 5 Library-Hanken 6 Library-Goergen Elem. T-shirt online store closes today. 2
Search Spelling City for Short /o/ Words GM Grade 2 Newsletter Spelling Words Search Spelling City for Short /o/ Words under Mrs. Goergen Test on Friday, Oct. 6 1.drop 2.lock 3.odd 4.mop 5.robin 6.long 7.bottom 8.dolls 9.frog 10.flop 11.cloth 12.stop 13.socks 14.dock 15.moth 2nd Grade Information GM Elementary Shirts are available to order online until Oct. 6th. Money should not be sent to school, this is an online order only. The money raised will go toward the elementary student council. You may order online at: BOOK ORDER: DUE OCT. 4 Make checks payable to Scholastic News OR order online. Find your teachers name and follow the prompts. AR TREATS: If you would like to donate for our AR rewards, please send in wrapped candy. Halloween candy is everywhere and this might be the best time to buy it. Thank you! PICTURE RETAKE DAY is set for Monday, Oct. 9 from 10:30-2:00. If you are having your picture retaken, please return the previous pictures uncut. If you want to place an order for pictures, order forms are in the elementary office. ELEMENTARY STUDENT COUNCIL Mrs. Goergen’s class: Gwyn Krol and Brooklynn Ludemann Mrs. Hanken’s class: Paisley Schlee and Brooklyn York ABSENCE: If your child is absent, please email the teacher and the elementary office to let them know your child will be absent. You may also call the elementary office at 507-754-5317 to leave a message on the school answering machine during late hours. TENNIS SHOES: Tie tennis shoes are required for phy. ed. Students may keep a clean pair of shoes here at school and change in the morning before phy. ed. Mr. Josh Bain will be our phy. ed. teacher.