Year 5 Term 4 2015 Literacy Science PE R.E. Art Mathematics ICT Topic Materials Soluble and insoluble materials Reversible and irreversible changes Planning a fair test and recording observations Literacy Biography and autobiography Personal narrative Persuasive letter writing Class Book ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty Spelling focus - Next stage prefixes PE Dance Improvising and creating dance routines representing Victorian factory environments Games Practising and developing individual and team skills through individual, paired and small group work in football and athletics R.E. The Sikh faith Are Sikh stories important today? What is the best way for a Sikh to show commitment to God? Art Textiles work – continuing our Victorian-style samplers Printing – using the patterns of William Morris to inspire our own designs Mathematics (Following the Primary Framework for mathematics). Counting, partitioning and calculating. Securing number facts and understanding shape (angles). Mental maths practice; mathematical vocabulary; quick recall of mathematical facts ICT Social media – continuing our class blog Animation using i-pads and laptops Topic The Victorian era – using primary and secondary sources to research: Victorian inventions and discoveries Famous Victorian people Victorian transport PSHE - Learn4Life Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds Healthy lifestyles Managing physical and mental health to promote wellbeing Year 5 Term 4 2015