Miss, Mit = Send
Admit Ad – In Mit – Send To SEND someone IN; to allow someone to enter We had a ticket to the movie, so we were admitted to our seats.
Dismiss DIS – OUT MISS – Send To SEND someone OUT; to let someone leave The manager dismissed his employee from the meeting.
Emit E – OFF MIT – SEND To SEND out or give OFF (such as an odor) The football pads emit a strong odor after practice!
Intermission INTER – BREAK Miss- SEND A BREAK between acts of a play or performance where people are SENT out for snacks or stretch breaks. “Mary Poppins” the musical has a thirty minute intermission after act two.
Missile Miss- Sent Ile – Direction A weapon designed to be SENT in the DIRECTION of a target. The MISSLE was turned toward the enemy base.
OMIT O – OUT MIT- SEND To leave OUT; to not SEND The teacher told the students to OMIT the very last test question.
Remit RE- back MIT- SEND To SEND BACK (Usually related to paying bills) Please REMIT your payment at your earliest convenience.
Submit Sub – UNDER MIT- SEND To SEND yourself UNDER someone else’s control; to give into someone else’s power In a dictatorship, the people must SUBMIT themselves to the governing authority.
Transmit TRANS – ACROSS MIT- SEND To SEND something ACROSS places; to pass along The information was TRANSMITTED to the navy base across the sea.
Mission MISS- Send ION – To do a job A special duty or function in which a person is SENT out to do. The students were on a mission to help their fellow classmate pass their test.
quench verb 1. satisfy (one's thirst) by drinking. 2. extinguish (a fire). "firemen hauled on hoses in a desperate bid to quench the flames" noun an act of quenching something very hot. synonyms: extinguish, put out, snuff out, smother, douse"the flames were quenched"
remnant noun 1. a small remaining quantity of something. adjective remaining. "remnant strands of hair" synonyms: remains, remainder, leftovers, residue, rest; technicalresiduum "the remnants of the picnic"
Simultaneous ˌsīməlˈtānēəs/ adjective occurring, operating, or done at the same time. "a simultaneous withdrawal of all troops" synonyms: concurrent, happening at the same time, contemporaneous, concomitant, coinciding,coincident, synchronous, synchronized"they carried out simultaneous raids at two houses"
swerve swərv/ verb 1. change or cause to change direction abruptly. "a car swerved around a corner" noun an abrupt change of direction. "do not make sudden swerves, particularly around parked vehicles" synonyms: veer, deviate, skew, diverge, sheer, weave, zigzag, change direction; tack "a car swerved into her path"
extensive ikˈstensiv/ adjective 1. covering or affecting a large area. "an extensive garden" 2. (of agriculture) obtaining a relatively small crop from a large area with a minimum of attention and expense. "extensive farming techniques“ synonyms: large, large-scale, sizable, substantial, considerable, ample, expansive, great, vast"a mansion with extensive grounds"