Facilities Services Department Meeting August 2016
vacancies/hires/departures None
Susan Pommerer, Building Services Facilities Services Department Meeting Position Reviews Presented by: Susan Pommerer, Building Services Valley City State University
Facilities Services Department Meeting Budget Updates Presented by: Doug Dawes Valley City State University
Facilities Services Department Meeting Project Updates Presented by: Management Valley City State University
Vangstad Summary of Progress: Working on an 18-page punch list, with work to include: Doors/door hardware Vangstad curtains Paint touch-ups
City Flood Protection Project Summary of Progress: On-campus work is done until Spring 2016- at this time work will begin in front of Foss Hall. Viking Drive- Due to the weather, they will not be pouring the curb, gutter, or street- this will wait until spring. For now they will be filling everything in with gravel. The street is expected to open at the end of the month.
Heat Plant Replacement Summary of Progress: MTI was hired to do the soil testing- we will wait for these results before house demolition begins. Working on getting the contracts for asbestos/lead testing in the houses. Working on pricing out boilers/equipment. Working on design/footprint on building to reduce cost.
Wellness Center
Project Updates Vangstad: Still working on punch list. Flood Wall: College Street Driveways and sidewalks are done, waiting to pour the top layer of asphalt. Street will be open tomorrow or over the weekend. Levees/Parking Lots Working on putting up parking barriers in the gravel lots to help with traffic flow. Heat Plant: Working on the waterproofing and pouring of the walls. They will be refabricating the steam lines. Will be closing 2nd Avenue in the near future to start tying in the steam lines. Electricians are on site and working on the vault by Rhoades.
Project Updates Wellness Center: Will be able to start furniture installation soon- Ron is in contact with Tyler. Fargo Paint and Glass will be installing the classroom blinds soon. Athletics Project: Gym floor- missing a couple lines- will need to come back to finish. FB Locker Room- done. Egress- bid was over, working to gets costs down. Hall of Fame Room- near completion. Graichen Wall Pads and FH backboards- Graichen pads have been ordered. Graichen projects are on hold at this time. McFarland Reconfiguration: McFarland 321 & 321A- done.
Project Updates
Project Updates Student Center Upper Lounge: Railing installation in progress- will be done on Monday. McFarland Stabilization: Contractor work is in progress, will be pouring exterior concrete today/tomorrow. Gazebo: Need to finish wiring and internet services. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone for your hard work this summer! These projects are not possible without YOU!
Facilities Services Department Meeting Leave Request/ Payroll Update
Employee Responsibilities Request leave in PeopleSoft Receive email and calendar invite from Supervisor stating leave was approved. On the day of leave, enter into FAMIS. If corrections need to be made (ex. cancel request, change # of hours) contact the FS Office. Throughout the pay period, ensure that all leave in entered into PeopleSoft (ex. unexpected sick day) AND FAMIS. **IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE EMPLOYEE TO ENSURE THAT ALL LEAVE IS ENTERED INTO FAMIS AND PEOPLESOFT BFORE THE END OF THE PAY PERIOD.**
Supervisor Responsibilities Receive calendar invite from the FS Office. Log in to PeopleSoft and approve/deny employee leave request. Forward calendar invite to employee (so the employee receives reminder of leave request). If corrections need to be made (ex. cancel request, change # of hours) contact the FS Office. Throughout the pay period, ensure that all leave in entered and approved in PS and FAMIS. **IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SUPERVISOR TO ENSURE THAT ALL LEAVE IS APPROVED IN FAMIS AND PEOPLESOFT BFORE THE END OF THE PAY PERIOD.**
Facilities Services Department Meeting FS ANCHOR AWARD Presentation: Mike Rasmussen July Presented by: Selection Committee
“Mike does a great job in an area that has high visibility and demands for perfection. He works very hard to make his area the showcase of the VCSU campus.”
Facilities Services Department Meeting Important Dates
Upcoming events: August 19-22: Welcome Weekend- various locations August 20: Volleyball Scrimmage, Field House August 21: VCAB Hypnotist, Vangstad Auditorium August 23: Classes start September 2: High School Football Game, Field House September 5: Labor Day, Campus CLOSED September 8: Campus Convocation ??Department Picnic??When??Where??
Facilities Services Department Meeting Staff Senate Updates (Kevin K. & Kevin T.)
Member Topics/Questions Facilities Services Department Meeting Member Topics/Questions