La familia 4to Grado Lección 1: Mi familia Lección 2: Los adjectivos Lección 3: La ropa
My Self-Assessment Checklist: 4th Grade LCPS FLES Linguafolio My Self-Assessment Checklist: 4th Grade Use this checklist to record what you think you can do. In the columns to the right, indicate your ability by writing the date for what you can easily do (column 1), what you can do somewhat (column 2) and what you cannot do but want to learn (column 3). Language proficiency is developed over an extended period of study and practice. This checklist will change over time. Level: Novice Low I can understand a few familiar words. I can understand some words that are similar to those in my own language. Listening: Family I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is my goal I can understand words related to family. I can understand questions related to family. I can understand words that describe family members. I can understand words for clothing. I can understand when someone tells about their family. I can understand words related to colors. Level: Novice Low I can communicate using single words and memorized phrases. Communication: Family I can do this well I can do this somewhat This is my goal I can say words related to family. I can respond correctly when asked my family members’ names. I can describe my family members. I can say what my family or someone else is wearing. I can describe clothing using colors.
Vocabulario Nombre: ____________ Lección 1 La familia This is the vocabulary you are exposed to in this lesson: la madre/ la mamá the mother/ mom el padre/ el papá the father/ dad el hermano the brother la hermana the sister el abuelo the grandfather la abuela the grandmother el bebé the baby el perro the dog el gato the cat ¿Cómo se llama tu ____? What is your ____ name? Mi ____ se llama _____. My _____’s name is ______.
Esta es mi familia Nombre: ____________ Lección 1 La familia Mi mamá se llama __________________________. Mi papá se llama ___________________________. Mi _______________ se llama _________________.
Vocabulario Lección 2 Nombre: ____________ Los adjetivos alto tall This is the vocabulary you are exposed to in this lesson: alto tall bajo short grande big pequeño small inteligente intelligent fuerte strong rápido fast ¿Cómo es _____? What is ____ like? Mi ____ es _____. My ____ is _____.
los pantalones the pants los pantalones cortos the short pants Lección 3 Nombre: ____________ Vocabulario La ropa This is the vocabulary you are exposed to in this lesson: la camisa the shirt el vestido the dress los pantalones the pants los pantalones cortos the short pants los zapatos the shoes la gorra the cap (hat) la chaqueta the jacket ¿Qué lleva ____? What is _____ wearing? Mi ____ lleva ______. My ______ is wearing _____.
Lección 3 Nombre: ____________ La ropa Escucha
Me llamo ______________________________________. Proyecto: La Familia Draft Nombre: ________________________________________ Bring a picture/ draw a picture/ create a video or power point of one of your family members. Using your visual, you will introduce yourself, state who the person is, describe them using an adjective (from the family packet) and tell what is he/she wearing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¡Hola! Me llamo ______________________________________. Esta/Este es mi __________________________________. family member Mi _______________ es__________________________. family member adjective Mi _______________ lleva ____________ y ___________. family member clothing clothing Extra: In a complete sentence, tell the name of the person in the picture, give color description of his/her clothing and/or add any other sentences you can in Spanish.
PROYECTO: La Familia Nombre: __________________________ Maestro/a: __________________________ Rúbrica CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Requirements All requirements are met and exceeded. All requirements are met. One requirement was not completely met. More than one requirement was not completely met. Organization Content is well organized and well planned. Shows high levels of creativity. Content is organized using given sentences. Content is logically organized for the most part. There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just lots of facts. Attractiveness Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation. Makes good use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance to presentation. Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but occasionally these detract from the presentation content. Does not use font, color, graphics, effects etc, or the ones used are extremely distracting to the presentation. Mechanics No misspellings or grammatical errors. Three or fewer misspellings and/or mechanical errors. 4-10 misspellings and/or grammatical errors. More than 10 errors in spelling or grammar. Oral Presentation Interesting, well-rehearsed with smooth and clear delivery that holds audience attention. Uses direct eye contact. Relatively interesting, rehearsed with a fairly smooth delivery that usually holds audience attention. Uses direct eye contact, but still returns to notes. Delivery not smooth, but able to hold audience attention most of the time. Uses minimal eye contact, while reading mostly from notes. Uses some English. Delivery not smooth and audience attention lost. No eye contact with audience. Uses English on more than one occasion.