Jefferson City West Rotary Welcome Party
Jefferson City West Rotary Club 2326 Always puts the fun in Rotary: Fifth Fridays Halloween Party Christmas Party
History of Rotary 1905 Rotary Founded in Chicago 1917 Rotary International Foundation established 1932 4-Way Test developed 1986 Polio Plus established 1989 Rotary admits women 2017 34,000 clubs, 1,200,000 members in 231 countries
Mission of Rotary To provide services to others To promote high ethical standards and integrity To advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through its fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.
The Object of Rotary: is to encourage and foster the ideal of service! The Rotary Motto: Service Above Self
The Four Way Test Of the things we think, say, or do: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Weekly Meeting Speakers District Conference & Awards Meetings and Events Weekly Meeting Speakers District Conference & Awards
Getting to know you 1. What made you join Jefferson City West Rotary or Rotaract? 2. What are you passionate about in life?
Our Service Projects Community Service: Ringing Bells for the Salvation Army during the holidays Reading to Southwest Early Childhood students Work day at Rotary Park Saturday work day building at Habitat for Humanity International Service: Water Project and building an outdoor kitchen at an orphanage in Sierra Leone
Mayor’s Christmas Tree Lighting at Rotary Park
Youth Services Rotary Youth Exchange RYLA: Rotary Youth Leadership Award Interact Rotaract Youth Government Day Student of the Month Scholarships
Student of the Month
Jefferson City Rotaract Rotaract District Award
Getting to know you 3. What talents do you have to lend to our club? 4. How can your vocation help others in the community? 5. What projects in our community are you interested in seeing our club do?
The Rotary Foundation Every Rotarian Every Year: give any amount Sustaining Member: give $100 per year Paul Harris Fellow: give $1000 over time Paul Harris Society: give $1000 every year Major Donor: give $10,000 and up over time Benefactor: leave $1000 to Rotary in your will Bequest Society: leave $10,000 and up to Rotary in your will
Club Fundraising Trivia Night Rotary Road Rally Car Raffle
1920’s Murder Mystery Fundraiser
Getting to know you 6. What ideas do you have for fundraising?
Public Image DaCdb (District & Club Data Base) Website Newsletter (be sure your data & photo are entered) Website Newsletter Brochure Business Card
Public Image Promoting Rotary in everything you do: Wear your pin Give your Elevator Speech Bring in a new member Tell friends about our service work
Getting to know you 7. What else can you do to promote our club?
Committees Club Administration Family of Rotary/Fundraising Foundation Greeter Membership Public Image Scholarship Service Speakers Training Youth Services
Welcome to our club Thank you for sharing your desire to serve your community with our club. Please sign up for a committee The more you get engaged with what we do, the more you will love being a Rotarian.