NURTURING FAITH, CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY AND GOSPEL-BASED VALUES Fosters a living faith through working for social justice. An awareness of social issues and action for social justice permeate the entire curriculum of the Edmund Rice School. The Edmund Rice School encourages the whole school community to work for social justice in the school and in society generally. The school provides opportunities for people to live their faith by engaging in community and voluntary work and in immersion projects in Ireland and in the Developing World. CREATING A CARING SCHOOL COMMUNITY Works for social justice The school partners seek to live by Christian values and are encouraged to stand in solidarity with those who are powerless and marginalised.
YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO ADDRESSING SOCIAL INJUSTICE You already contribute in many ways to addressing social injustice in society Project Zambia Catholic Caring
Catholic Caring Christmas Gifts
YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO ADDRESSING SOCIAL INJUSTICE You already contribute in many ways to addressing social injustice in society Project Zambia Catholic Caring St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers
YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO ADDRESSING SOCIAL INJUSTICE You already contribute in many ways to addressing social injustice in society Project Zambia Catholic Caring St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers Collection for the Welcome Organisation
Welcome Centre Collection for the Homeless
SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCACY GROUP Bringing students together who want to work to challenge social injustice in our society Part of a global Edmund Rice Network Over 200 schools in 28 countries worldwide
SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCACY GROUP Bringing students together who want to work to challenge social injustice in our society Part of a global Edmund Rice Network Over 200 schools in 28 countries worldwide Lead school with the Nelson Mandela Foundation
SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCACY GROUP Bringing students together who want to work to challenge social injustice in our society Part of a global Edmund Rice Network Over 200 schools in 28 countries worldwide Lead school with the Nelson Mandela Foundation Organize events to mark Mandela Day on 5th May, also Edmund Rice Day
HOMELESSNESS Focus theme for the SJAG Huge issue in our society
HOMELESSNESS Focus theme for the SJAG Huge issue in our society Events planned to challenge this issue Letter writing to Minister for Social Development in Stormont – all students next Monday form period asking him 2 questions Why are there still people sleeping rough on our streets or in temporary accommodation? What are our politicians going to do about it?