Can some matters in the forest be ignited without human interference? Attention! Fire! Can some matters in the forest be ignited without human interference?
Roles of the forest Home for animals, their natural habitat, Lungs of the Earth-trees produce oxygen necessary for organisms to live, Shelter for birds and other animals (squirrel, wild boars, deer, foxes, hares,wolves, bears), Fuel for winter, Source of wood to manufacture paper, Source of wood to manufacture furniture, Place of entertainment, to meet friends, to pick mushrooms, to go for a walk and to organize picnics.
Fires are a natural phenomenon on our planet Fires are a natural phenomenon on our planet. They are caused by long droughts or thunderbolts and they are used to regenerate vegetation. Today most fires are caused by people especially in tropical regions.
Causes of Fires Natural (Spontaneous): Intentionally stimulated: Wind, Thunders, Drought, Vulcanic eruption (burning lava), Self-ignition By human’s will: Crash of electrical installation, Gas, Petrol
Fires caused by people can be the consequence of carelessness or malice. Often they result from a planned and organized change in using land. Especially in tropical regions, big areas of humid forests are burnt to gain some land to grow plants and vegetables.
Self-ignition Explanation a spontaneous, without the initiating impulse of energy from outside, reaction started by burning mixtures of gases, liquids a substances with oxygen or air. It’s caused by throwing glass materisls, heated metal and other flammable materials.
Many Scientists claim that as a consequence of climate changes in connection with the changes in rain and temperature the number of forest fires will increase in their frequency and occurance.
Extinguishing fires can happen from land and air Extinguishing fires can happen from land and air. The Impediments can be weather conditions for example wind and droughts problems with access to water, the size of the fire, not enough firemen.
To extingnish forest fire we can use: Water, Special Foam, Special Powder, Special Gas, Chloride, Graphite, Sand, Azote.
Forests fires in Poland On 27th April in 2007 - Zawierć On 12th May in 2006 - Zasieki On 28th October in 2005- Świętoszewo On 26th-30th August in 1992 –Szprotawa, Solec Kujawski, Potrzebowice , Rudziniec, Rudy Raciborskie