LANGUAGE QUIZ September 2015
1. Which is the most widely spoken language in the world 1.Which is the most widely spoken language in the world? a)Chinese b)English c)Spanish d)Hindi
2. How many living languages are there estimated in the world 2. How many living languages are there estimated in the world? a)around 500 b)around 2000 c)around 4000 d)around 6000
d) AROUND 6000
3. In which of the following countries is German an official language 3. In which of the following countries is German an official language? a)Liechtenstein b)Switzerland c)Austria d)Belgium
a,b c & d-German is the official language or one of the official languages of all of them.
4. How many words do you think there are in the English language 4. How many words do you think there are in the English language? a) 70,000 b) 170,000 c) 500,000 d) 2 million+
d) 2 MILLION +
5. The following English words come from other languages 5. The following English words come from other languages. Can you guess which language they are borrowed from? a) Tea b) Coffee c) Potato d) Shampoo
6. In its first year, a baby utters a wide range of vocal sounds; at around one year, the first understandable words are uttered; at around three years, complex sentences are formed; at five years, a child possesses ????????words.
7. Languages are related to each other like the members of a family 7. Languages are related to each other like the members of a family. Most European languages belong to the large ???????? family.
8. Most European languages belong to three broad groups: ????????
9. The ?????? languages include Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Bulgarian and others.
10. How many people speak English as a first language (mother tongue) worldwide?
More than 400 million people.
11. In which countries is English used as a mother tongue?
The USA, Australia, the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada (but remember that a minority here speak French).
12.How many people speak English as a second language or official language?
Around 375 million people use English as a second language and an official language, meaning that English is the language used in documents and in business.
13. How many people across the world use English as a foreign language (EFL)?
More than 750 million people (British Council’s estimate) More than 750 million people (British Council’s estimate). This number is constantly increasing.
14. What is the percent of the Internet users of English 14.What is the percent of the Internet users of English? a) 12% b) 37% c) 57% d) 73%
c) English:57% Japanese:8% German:5% French:4%
15. What are the two shortest English words?
I and a
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A SONG Hello to all the children of the world!