Welcome to the Encinitas Church of Christ Merry Christmas!
“ 3 Gifts that money can’t buy ” The Gospel “ 3 Gifts that money can’t buy ”
THE GIFT OF LOVE Everyone needs to feel loved We go to great lengths to “be accepted” Sadly, many people go through life feeling unloved and even unworthy of love
THE GIFT OF LOVE “I bring you good news” – Luke 2:10 Jesus is God’s gift of love – John 3:16 Jesus loves us unconditionally – Romans 5:6-11 He accepts us just as we are – Luke 5:1-11 He forgives all our sins – John 8:1-12 He’s patient with us as we grow – I Timothy 1:16 And He will never give up on us! – Hebrews 13:5
THE GIFT OF JOY We all could use a little more joy Life is like a roller coaster ride We’re always searching for something that will bring us more joy And when we find joy, it’s only short lived at best!
THE GIFT OF JOY “Great joy for all the people” – Luke 2:10 When you discover Jesus, you discover mega joy! – I Peter 1:3-7 It’s a constant joy – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Philippians 4:4; James 1:3-4 It’s an inexpressible and glorious joy – I Peter 1:8-9
THE GIFT OF PEACE The world is full of strife and unrest People are frustrated and angry People are weary and heavy burdened
THE GIFT OF PEACE Peace on earth, good will toward men Peace with God – Luke 2:14 Inward peace – Matthew 11:28-30 Peace with others – Romans 12:14-18 It’s a peace that transcends all understanding – Philippians 4:7
What will you be getting for Christmas? Why not receive the gift of God’s Son today?