Ministry of Power Government of India An initiative of Ministry of Power Government of India Nodal Agency Power Finance Corporation Ltd. Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme R-APDRP Implementation in Karnataka
Issues and Intervention required - Karnataka 4/23/2018 11:34 AM Scheduled date for Go live / integration of DC with pilot town : Dec 2011 Scheduled date for Go live / integration of all towns : Sep 2014 Town Integration Energy Audit Schedule Month Up to Jan’ 13 Up to Feb’ 13 Up to Mar’ 13 Up to Apr’ 13 Up to May’ 13 Up to Jun’ 13 Up to Jul’ 13 Aug’ 13 Up to Sep’ 13 Up to Oct’ 13 Nov’ 13 Dec’ 13 Jan’ 14 Feb’ 14 Mar’ 14 Apr’ 14 Up to May’ 14 Up to Jun’ 14 Jul’ 14 Aug’ 14 Sep’ 14 Oct’ 14 Nov’ 14 Dec’ 14 Jan’ 15 Feb’ 15 Target 10 18 40 50 53 55 75 91 98 Achieved 6 31 46 51 60 Full Stack could not be rolled out as modem installation was pending from ITIA ESCOM Towns declared full stack live with EA BESCOM 16 CESC 6 GESCOM 11 HESCOM 26 MESCOM 1 amangla\India\iFlex\The Listing Decision.ppt
Issues and Intervention required - Karnataka 4/23/2018 11:34 AM Activity Issues /Status DC Data centre commissioning along with all hardware, OS, NMS, EMS & availability of network connectivity. DC Commissioned, in production phase since Dec 2011. Only state to successfully demonstrate DC/DR drill as on date. The same was done in in July 2013. Planning for the completed operation of DR as primary and DC as secondary from 15th March 2015 for 30 days as per the SRS requirement. GIS Updating delta changes of Assets LOI issued to NSG India by BESCOM for "Updating incremental data of Network Assets into GIS application under RAPDRP in 92 towns across all five ESCOMs of Karnataka“. Updating activity to commence from March 2015. Marking of GIS maps is in progress. Updating delta changes of Consumers The data of floating consumers to be tagged with assets in GIS is being shared by ESCOMs with ITIA for migrating the same from back end. So far 1,22,000 floating consumers of 24 towns in BESCOM are updated in GIS. Updating data on continuous basis Business flow ensures the assets and consumers are updated in GIS. Since GIS is a heavy application consuming lot of user time, the following changes are made for speedy disposal of new connections: Bypass GIS online for all cases where updating Assets is not required. (Deployed in April-2014 for <10HP loads and in Jan-2015 for >10HP loads) Updating assets in GIS to be made post-operation i.e., after work execution. (This change is planned to be deployed by end of April-2015) Planning a centralized GIS updation team. NA Deployment of GIS integrated Network Analysis Software Software is deployed and integrated with GIS User operations to begin after implementing GIS post-operation and training by ITIA. amangla\India\iFlex\The Listing Decision.ppt
Issues and Intervention required - Karnataka 4/23/2018 11:34 AM Activity Issues /Status MDAS Meter & Modems at all DTs, Feeders, HT consumers etc. Tender for meter replacement is under progress since it is joint work of KPTCL and ESCOMs For the Quantity Modems except HT installations, tender work is under progress(07/02/2015 Tech bid was opened) for TWO lots of BESCOM and due to poor participation ,it is retendered for (MESCOM& CESC) and (GESCOM&HESCOM) on 18/02/2015 and Technical bid opened on 26th feb and evaluation is under progress. M/s Infosys has requested ESCOMs to take up the procurement and installation of modems by ESCOMs. ESCOMs have agreed to take up the same and tender is called by BESCOM (all ESCOMs tender) for original BOQ along with 3 years incremental quantity. All the ERL modems fixed earlier will be replaced with new modems, Cost of total modems will be deducted from tender amount. CCC Customer Care Centre Integrated with Data Centre in all 5 Discoms. Town Level Network connectivity Due to application slowness like GIS and WAMS ,based on the recommendation, BESCOM has upgraded primary network to 4 mbps at all locations with last mile OFC connectivity. But quality of network connectivity is very poor with frequent fibre cuts and outages Secondary network provider has failed to deliver more than 109 links, out of 330 links in BESCOM. There are huge latency issues and present VSAT equipment is incompatible to increase the Bandwidth BESCOM has decided to call a Tender for the Alternate connectivity under RAPDRP amangla\India\iFlex\The Listing Decision.ppt
Implementation Status in Karnataka 4/23/2018 11:34 AM Implementation Status in Karnataka Eligible towns Sanctioned Cost Rs. Cr Sanction date GoI Loan Rs. Cr CP Fund Rs. Cr Disburse Rs.Cr. Part-A (IT) 98 391.2 Feb 09 & Sep 09 - Part-A (SCADA) Part-B 81 786.6 Mar 10 196.6 590 ITC : Reliance Infrastructure Ltd (May’09) ITIA Infosys (Dec’09) SDC N/A SIA TPIEA-EA CPRI (May’10) DC/DR Bangalore/Chennai Pilot Towns Bangalore, Mandya, Dharwad, Shikaripura and Gulbarga Ring Fencing All 98 Towns completed & verified by TPIEA Baseline AT&C All 98 Towns established amangla\India\iFlex\The Listing Decision.ppt
Implementation status –Karnataka 4/23/2018 11:34 AM Implementation status –Karnataka Consumer Indexing DISCOM Total Towns Total Consumer as per RFP (Lakh) Work In Progress/ Taken up Survey Completed Submitted by ITIA Approved by Utility Towns Consumers (Lakh) % BESCOM 25 38.73 43.27 112.00% HESCOM 29 7.98 8.87 110.00% GESCOM 21 5.55 108.00% MESCOM 11* 4.18 4.2 10* 4.0 96.00% CESC 12 4.98 5.14 103.00% Total 98 61.33 67.03 97 66.83 109.00% Asset Mapping DISCOM Total Towns Total Fdrs Total SS Work In Progress/ Taken up Survey Completed Submitted by ITIA Approved by Utility Towns Fdrs % BESCOM 25 1327 124 100% HESCOM 29 262 65 GESCOM 21 154 36 MESCOM 11* 18 5 CESC 12 143 98 1904 259 92 * Initially it was proposed to migrate the legacy GIS data available with MESCOM for 6 towns. As the data was found to be not compatible by ITIA and MESCOM, a fresh tender is invited by MESCOM for DGPS survey, Validation, Asset mapping and Consumer indexing in respect of 6 towns with contract period of one year. Date of opening of the said tender is 3rd March 2015 . amangla\India\iFlex\The Listing Decision.ppt
Implementation status in Karnataka 4/23/2018 11:34 AM Implementation status in Karnataka Schedule for Installation of DTC DLMS Compliant Meters ESCOM Quantity Pending for installation Schedule committed on 31.1.2015 Progress ESCOMs committed during the meeting ITIA Committed to fix the New modems BESCOM 49020 3354 Budget requested from divisions to complete the balance work which are not completed by RC work, since RC period is closed. 45666 Budget is requested from the divisions to complete the balance work which is not completed by RC work, since RC period is closed. Requested ESCOMs to take up modem procurement and installation scope and old ERL modems in the field and at store are not used for DTCs and HTs in all ESCOMs CESC 6072 657 15th Feb15 5415 --------do---------- GESCOM 8303 Nil HESCOM 14506 1282 Feb-15 13224 MESCOM 7350 Nil. Boundary Meters & Modems: ESCOM Quantity in Nos. meters Progress of meter installation ESCOMs committed date for metering Modem Pending quantity Progress In modem installation ITIA Committed to fix the New modems BESCOM(24) BMAZ 43 40 100% 40 pending Nil Feb-15 17 26 Before Feb 15th all modems be installed and integrated in the system CESC 21 14 7 7th Feb15 GESCOM 10 NIL Work will be taken up after HESCOM & CESCOM HESCOM 28th Feb15 MESCOM Plan will be submitted amangla\India\iFlex\The Listing Decision.ppt
Implementation status in Karnataka 4/23/2018 11:34 AM Implementation status in Karnataka Schedule for Installation of HT DLMS Compliant Meters &Modems ( responsibility of ITIA) ESCOM Quantity Pending quantity Schedule committed on 14/01/15 Progress in metering ESCOMs committed during the meeting Modem In modem installation ITIA Committed to fix the New modems BESCOM(24) BMAZ 550 7439 Nil 1756 28thFEB 15 Completed 5683 48 502 Will Complete after resolving SIM issues of KGF Plan will be submitted CESC 803 597 206 7th Feb 15 GESCOM 670 625 20th Feb15, the meters will be changed by 3P3W only 45l 20th Feb15 NIL Based on metering schedule. Modems shall be installed simultaneously. HESCOM 1130 1101 29 28th Feb 2015 MESCOM 861 Nil. Plan to be submitted by ITIA amangla\India\iFlex\The Listing Decision.ppt
4/23/2018 11:34 AM Thank You amangla\India\iFlex\The Listing Decision.ppt