DESIGN SCHEDULE DAILY PRODUCTION / RUNNING SHEET Teknik Produksi dan Penyiaran Program Radio Kelompok Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi Penyusun : Ahadiat,S.ST Dadang Abdurrakhman,S.Pd Drs.Liliek Julianto Taufan Adhiwiranto, S.sos Agus Nuryaman
To earn manage broadcast better, a broadcaster have to mamahami running sheet and hot clok event event. Generally running sheet event dibuaat to 30 minute, 60 minute, or 120 minute
Broadcaster omit to just follow as according to written minute Broadcaster omit to just follow as according to written minute. When have to turn around song, minute of how much have to turn around insert program, and others.
Settlement in broadcast element which input in the running sheet event arranged by program director
Nature of Broadcast. broadcast don’t have the character of permanent because adapted for by progress of epoch and also technology. Result of survey conducted by party of radio and Local government regency. Camphor and also information from hearer , in this time radio of laboring Local government at Frequency 106.1 FM have reach of radius 88 KM cover Riau continent.
Follow the example of format broadcast Durasi Talc ( Old speak: regular max: 30 second. Talkshow Max: 0,5 minute)
Talc and Music Comparison: 2 – 1, two song once speak
Frekuensi Language: Indonesian: 80%, Sunda: 10%, English: 10%
Broadcast Items: Information lifted cover film information, music, athletic, technology and science.
Categorize Event Faction of Event or Categorize Program — both meaning of equal — division program broadcast of pursuant to its contents type. In PP No. 51/2005
faction of event of community radio Education dan Culture faction of event of community radio Information Entertainment and artistry. advertisement of Service socialize
what have been compiled and the broadcasting schedule Event Guidance sheet loading program what have been compiled and the broadcasting schedule Event Guidance
in order to the community can know programs to be broadcasted function of event Guidance
besides glued by a broadcaster desk, event guidance patched in strategic and public place, what is easy to reached by community.
determination of Broadcast duration important matter which must be considered in determining duration of broadcast clock Mount requirement of community to information, education and entertainment amusement
Equipments ability owned.
Time provided by working team. According to social condition of community culture.
Running Sheet program Talkshow acquaintanceship of Narasumber and also competitor.
Session / segment of first paring first subtema.
Interval for advertisement. Interval, in the form of song.
Session / segment of second paring sub of second theme.
Advertisement interval, interval and so on till finish and covered with [by] the forwarding of conclusion and greet
Tables of Running Sheet. Breakdown Of Program fill Program Opening Program Who is listener Jingle Opening Caster Identity Caster Jingle Stasiun ID Identity Radio Music song Jigle Program ID Identity program Commercial Break Talk Show Closing Program Clossing
Follow The Example Of Running Sheet Program Event Talkshow ( In the form of Pie Diagram ) Duration : 60 Minutes
Program News Event News Program In it broadcast and study news nowadays. At program of this News, is paid attention to by element of Aktualitas and faktual. Program News Event
Area Program News Event Bulletin ( News Packet ) News Insert Air Magazine
Buletin (news packet) Contain news network nowadays ( copy, straight news) – economic area, political, social, athletic, etcetera; lokal,regional, national, international and or. Duration 30 minute or more.
News Insert containing information aktual in the form of Straight News or Voicer. Duration 2 - 5 minute depended by panjang-pendek and a lot of it’s news is not presented.
Insert News. Is generally presented by each;every certain clock Insert News. Is generally presented by each;every certain clock. Can in the form of breaking news, submitted/ sent by a broadcaster peculiarly in in between broadcast non-berita.
Contain straight news, interview, dialogue Air Magazine Contain straight news, interview, dialogue interaktif, short feature, dokumenter, etcetera.
Running Sheet Items of News Tune Opener; forwarding of area of news by backsound is music continued with read fill news; forwarding of area of other news; read fill news continued by news and conclusion program.
Tables of Running Sheet BREAKDOWN PROGRAM FILL PROGRAM Opening Program What listener Jingle Opening Caster Identity Caster Jingle Stasiun ID Identity Radio Music song Jigle Program ID Identity program Commercial Break News Report News read Closing Program
Follow The Example Of Running Sheet Program Event News : ( In the form of Pie Diagram) Duration : 60 Minutes
Presentation Format Program Music Music twiddling, covering Jingle and song stay in coordination of Music Director
For making and loading of jingle adapted for by time and requirement of items program.
For twiddling of song have to be accomodated by beat or rhythm of song
Tables of Running Sheet Song Request BREAKDOWN PROGRAM FILL PROGRAM Opening Program What listener Jingle Opening Caster Identity Caster Jingle Stasiun ID Identity Radio Music Request Song request Jigle Program ID Identity program Commercial Break Closing Program
Follow The Example Of Running Sheet Program Event of Song Request : ( In the form of Pie Diagram) Duration : 60 Minutes