The Tittles Global Warming The history of earth warming Green house gases and its effects Reasons of global warning The ozone layer and its effect on the earth Kyoto Protocol Mortal effects of global warning How to prevent global warning
.Global Warming high tempreture on the earth and ocians
The history of global warming Doctor Kilning says that increasing co2 causes global warming Climate change
Prepared by:Students of Tajrobawi Girls high school
The greenhouse effect
Who causes global warming human nature Or both of them
Human Activities
CO2 variations
The ozone layer protects the earth
Kyoto Protocole In 1997 the delegate of 160 countries in the world approved the Kyoto Protocol. It was about how to decrease greenhouse gases
On health On environment On economic The mortal effect of global warming On health On environment On economic
Skin cancer
Melting of poles ice
Widespread Fires
Research shows that high temperature causes mortal thunders
Ruin of ancient traces
How to save motherearth
Thanks alot