Investments and Environental Protection in Rwanda vis à vis climate change Presentation by RDB
Content Introduction International instruments governing climate change. Institutional & Legal Framework for Environmental Protection Investment opportunities to fight climate change Conclusion
Introduction There is international consensus that climate change is a reality, as a global challenge. Climate change is a global problem that requires common international concerted efforts to address the causes, adapt and build resilience. Africa is the most vulnerable continent to the adverse impacts of climate change: its position on the globe, has a warm climate and is exposed to erratic rainfall, prevalence of poor soils and flood plains; most economies in Africa are dependent on sectors such as agriculture that are susceptible to climate variations; low adaptive capacity – high poverty levels, low capacities, conflicts etc……..
Introduction (cnt’d) Rwanda is experiencing: significant variations in precipitation patterns, higher temperatures, increased incidence of severe weather events, greater incidences of pests and diseases etc. Consequences: decline in agricultural production that will imperil food security and exacerbate malnutrition, negatively influencing economic growth and poverty reduction efforts, endanger the livelihoods of people in the most vulnerable regions. Rwanda must engage with the international community to address the challenge posed by climate change
International instruments governing climate change United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – Adopted in 1992 entered into force in 1994:“stabilize greenhouse concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.” The Kyoto Protocol – adopted in 1997 entered into force in 2007: An implementation Protocol under the Convention that establishes “legally binding obligations for developed countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions : first commitment period 2008-2012 and second commitment period 2013-2020.” The new Paris agreement adopted last year 2015 and all other previous agreements adopted by the Conference of the Parties since 1992-20015. All these agreements were established to tackle climate change while preserving environment
At local level: The Institutional and Legal Framework for protection of environment The Rwandan Constitution of June 4, 2003 as amended to date, article 49 states that every citizen is entitled to a healthy and satisfying The Rwanda National Policy on environment, 2003:has an overall objective of improving the human well-being, the judicious utilization of natural resources and the protection and rational management of ecosystems for sustainable development Rwanda Vision 2020: The vision 2020 of Rwanda gives strategic actions and inter alia institutes the principle of precaution to mitigate the negative effects caused to the environment by the socioeconomic activities Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS):is a medium-term framework for achieving the country’s long term development aspirations as embodied in Rwanda’s Vision 2020, and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) The Rwanda ‘s Organic Law determining the modalities for protection, conservation and promotion of environment in Rwanda
The Institutional and Legal Framework for protection of environment Ministerial order N° 003/2008 of 15/08/2008 relating to the requirements and procedure for environmental impact Assessment (EIA). Ministerial order N°004/2008 of 15/08/2008 establishing the list of works, activities and projects that have to undertake an environment impact assessment. International legislative framework; Conventions & Protocols to which Rwanda has subscribed: UNFCCC (UN Convention on climate change, Kyoto Protocol and now Paris agreement NATIONALLY: MINIRENA: Policy and Laws REMA: Regulatory Entity, Enforcement of Laws related to environment. RDB: Attract both Foreign and Local investment while ensuring economic development goes hand in hand with environment protection
Opportunities RDB hosts the One Stop Center Division in charge of environmental impact assessment As per Law all development projects prior the commencement must undergo EIA. RDB is responsible to issue EIA CERTIFICATES for those projects RDB ensures that projects that are cause of emissions of CO2 ( CARBON DIOXIDE) are seriously mitigated
Opportunities (cnt’d) The Climate Change Convention presents an opportunity of technology development and transfer as a pillar to mitigate climate change; RDB while attracting investment ensures that all technology brought in the country are environmentally sound proved; RDB also plays a role to invites foreign investor to invest in those technologies that can mitigate climate change For local investors, RDB joins its efforts to those of MINIREMA, and REMA to take the advantage of financial opportunities offered by FONERWA to implement environmental friendly projects.
Opportunities (Cnt’d) Projects: RDB is negotiator in different projects and mostly projects in Energy Sector, Agriculture, ICT, Transport ,etc…… In all these sectors RDB ensures that the technology used is not contributing to emissions of carbon dioxide) and other Greenhouse gas emissions. RDB participates in the preparation of CDM ( Clean Development Mechanisms) projects provided by Kyoto Protocol to reduce emissions of GHG (Greenhouse Gas ) in the atmosphere
Conclusion Environment and climate change is a global challenge that needs global efforts to tackle it; We need investments to develop our country, but we need to ensure that this goes towards sustainable development. We need to avoid development of industries that contribute to global warming. Invite investors that may bring us technologies which can help mitigate climate change, not those which have contributed to the global threat we are facing today. We need to develop awareness campaigns such that environmental & climate change issues are fully attended to by all.
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