London Healthy Workplace Charter and Economy for Common Good 8 February 2017 Slug and Lettuce Introduce two initiatives that are good for organisations and relevant benefits.
LONDON HEALTHY WORKPLACE CHARTER Wednesday 8th February 2017 Time – ten minutes
Uk Health at Work, Facts and Figures Total cost of ill-health to UK economy was between £103 - 129 billion, in 2011. In London, a 2012 GLA report illustrated that an average London firm of 250 employees loses around £4,800 per week ( or around £250,000 per year) due to sickness absence. As we spend a lot of time at work, work offers the opportunity to influence the behaviour of large groups of people.
Health at Work – why is it important? Links between health, employment and productivity underline the importance of health improvement. Good health = Good business. We need to change perceptions of fitness for work. Facilitating early return to work is key for employers; the idea that you need to be 100% fit to be at work is outdated and wrong. Just as good health = good business, good work is good for you in terms of productivity and good phys and mental health. Health contributes towards achieving a fairer society and good economic growth. Sickness note was phased out and fit note replaced it which went some way towards this goal and helped facilitate link between GP’s and business.
LONDON HEALTHY WORKPLACE CHARTER What is it? A structured framework to recognise and support business investment in staff health and well-being How is it delivered? Coordinated by the GLA and Public Health England, the Charter is delivered through borough workplace health leads (mostly led by public health and/or environmental health) How does it help? Clear guidance on how to make workplaces more productive and supportive An accreditation process that demonstrates commitment and publicly recognises good practice Opportunity to learn from other boroughs and employers taking part in the scheme The programme mirrors similar successful Charters in other parts of the country, notably in Liverpool on which the London model is based. Currently, the GLA provides a central coordinating function and pan-London engagement and promotion of the Charter. Crucially, the Charter is delivered through borough workplace health leads (usually in public health or environmental health teams), who lead on local business engagement and support employers through the accreditation process.
Excellence Achievement Commitment How does it work? 1. Corporate Support 2. Attendance Management 3. Health & Safety 4. Healthy Eating 5. Smoking 6. Physical Activity 7. Mental Health & Wellbeing 8. Alcohol & Substance Misuse Excellence Achievement Commitment Businesses provide evidence against a number of standards across eight areas. There are three levels of award.
Why Why should you take part? (1) The Charter can result in: Increased productivity & staff retention Long-term reduction in sickness absence rates Recognition through brand development, can be useful in recruitment process Improved staff morale and outward-facing image of organisation
London Healthy Workplace Charter - Levels commitment shows a commitment to and promotion of health in the workplace Achievement highlights the organisation has moved beyond basic promotion to active involvement in the health and wellbeing of its staff Excellence indicates the organisation is fully-engaged, employees have a range of intervention programmes and support mechanisms for the promotion and delivery of health and wellbeing in the workplace Commitment – online submission
Where are we now? 26 organisations accredited in Greenwich. 25 London boroughs engaged in delivery (as employers and/ or engaging with external employers)
Opportunities at commitment level Develop an action plan - Adopt a plan to monitor progress Review and update key policies & procedures - Health & Safety - Alcohol & Substance Misuse - Mental Health & Wellbeing Improve lines of communication - Update information across sites Gain awareness of local services/resources Training Upcoming events and campaigns
Contact Helen Deaton Workplace Health Programme Manager Tel: 020 8921 5396