Expected Impact Kavala, June 6 - 8, 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Expected Impact Kavala, June 6 - 8, 2017 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727277

Expected Impact Complete research-development-innovation cycle Research & Technology Development (Product innovation) External Requirements Innovation Business Development Outcomes Knowledge Technology Products Processes Business ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

Expected Impact Complete research-development-innovation cycle Excellent Science Better Society Key Enabling Technologies Competitive Industry Science discovers fundamental information about how the universe works Technology is the practical application of that information, or knowledge Science sets the stage for technology, which produces useful products ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

Key words Economic, environmental & societal sustainability Blue Growth Interoperable, fully integrated multiplatform Observational gaps Fragmented observation data Difficult access Open sea and the coastal zone Open data Remote sensing data and products European maritime and environmental policies ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

Elevator pitch H2020 orientation: very practical Focus Implementation & impact oriented Contributions to society and economy Focus Call for Proposals: collecting data ODYSSEA: providing information services Case studies throughout the proposal Common fisheries policy Oil & gas industry ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

ODYSSEA Benefits benefits for users of marine data reduced costs for offshore activities increased efficiency reduced costs for assembling data from different sources stimulation of innovation and competition increased access to information benefits for providers of marine data direct involvement of end-users in data collection, thereby ensuring increased number/types of end-users regional and localised information with improved temporal coverage of data products improved use of own data via access to third party data ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

ODYSSEA Elements Search, collect and integrate datasets obtained from an expanded range of existing observation platforms Fill-in data gaps & increase spatial and temporal resolution by establishing ODYSSEA Observatories Develop a prototype ‘chain’ of models providing data never previously reported Develop novel monitoring technologies to expand parameters range Integrate and focus on biological datasets Combine data to extract secondary indicators Link indicators to EU policies Involve end-users on platform design, data collection and day-to-day operations Train and educate policy-makers and end-users on platform usage Improve professional skills and competences - focus on Northern Africa capacity building ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

ODYSSEA’s Main Novelties Both primary data and on-demand derived data services will be made available and accessible through a single command and via a single public portal. The system will allow to search, collect, retrieve and integrate datasets obtained from an expanded range of existing observational platforms, networks and systems. A set of interactive web tools will be developed for the front-end of the platform to allow the user to visualise both the location of data points (using maps) and the data values (using plots / data visualisation layers). To reduce costs, to overcome technical problems with cable technology, and to ensure active participation of end-users on ODYSSEA platform, existing facilities (onshore and offshore), such as oil and gas terminals and rigs, mariculture installations, ports and harbours, will be used to deploy static sensors. Gliders will integrate marine microplastics sensor and novel sensors for real-time biological monitoring. Operational models will be coupled and running in each Observatory providing forecasts and informing end-users on emergencies and risks. Local/regional/national policy-makers and end-users will be trained on the optimal platform usage. ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

Multiple levels of Expected Impact Contribution to the Europe 2020 Strategy Contribution to the BLUEMED Initiative Contribution to (inter)national research & innovation and policy activities Environmental impact Social impact Drive to innovation ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

Contribution to Europe 2020 Strategy Reducing operational costs and delays for those who use marine data helping private industry compete in the global economy and meet the challenge of sustainability; improving the quality of public decision-making at all levels; strengthening marine scientific research Increasing competition & innovation amongst (re-)users of marine data by providing wider access to quality-checked, rapidly-available & coherent marine data Reducing uncertainty in knowledge of the Med. Sea and so providing a sounder basis for managing future changes ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

Contribution to BLUEMED Provide a Med. Sea Integrated Observing system as a component for GEOSS Contribute to increasing the temporal and geographic coverage of observational data in the Mediterranean Sea and identify observational gaps Provide qualified data to improve the predictive capacity of model products and improve the cost effectiveness of data collection Improve the knowledge base that is needed in order to cope with global challenges to make better-informed decisions within key sectors Improve the implementation of European maritime and environmental policies and international agreements Improve the professional skills and competences of those working and being trained to work within the blue economy ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

Contribution to Research & Policies National efforts will benefit from ODYSSEA Strengthening of EMODNet Network ODYSSEA will contribute to the development of standards for Copernicus, so that GMES marine service and EMODNet can access the same in-situ data EMODNet does not provide access to data collected under the Data Collection Framework for Fisheries – mitigated through ODYSSEA ODYSSEA will ensure greater availability of data in usable formats for Environmental Reporting, reducing the load and facilitating the use of such data in policy, strategic development and adaptive management ODYSSEA will render sound output tools to support the commitments within the Athens Declaration of February 11, 2016 (Barcelona Convention) ODYSSEA supports UNEP Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable development 2016-2025 by following several of its Strategic Directions ODYSSEA will be instrumental in developing links among communities across the entire Mediterranean Sea Basin, such as scientific, business, industrial communities as well as links between policy-makers, NGOs and “grassroots” citizen networks. ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

Environmental & Social Impact Main environmental benefit would be a reduction in uncertainty about the marine environment and the human impact on it Main social impact will be an increase in jobs in the blue economy in the Mediterranean Sea Basin Increasing innovation will foster competition and open the market for SMEs to provide services and products based on marine data Increased potential for local communities to make an informed input on issues that affect their neighbourhood or their livelihood ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

ODYSSEA Exploitation Platform related CLS Operating ODYSSEA Platform develop and propose more services to our clients cost recovery for commercial use zero cost for research Thales Transferring the project results toe the Business Units Gtd improving experience & knowledge on implementing scientific algorithms Space data also integrating local sensors for other markets and applications Hidromod launching effective downstream services based on available data and high resolution forecasts ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact

ODYSSEA Exploitation Sensors related Alseamar Increased market share for underwater vehicles develogic Increased share for modular seafloor lander & surface instrument packages Different business models transfer of title (“sales”) licensing and leasing arrangements Different business models for operating the equipment Operating by the client Operating by the vendor Irrelevant whether the equipment is purchased or leased Models need to fit market (e.g. North Africa) ODYSSEA Kick-off meeting Expected Impact