President Theodore Roosevelt 26th president
Early Life Theodore Roosevelt suffered from asthma as a child. At home remedies Drinking Coffee Smoking Cigar Exercise (hiking, horseback riding, swimming)
College Life Attended Harvard Participated in two sports while at Harvard Boxing Sculling
Life in the Badlands Bought a ranch and cattle Loved the open land Enjoyed the hard work His time in South Dakota shaped future policies.
Spanish American War Rough Riders Victory at San Juan Hill 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Victory at San Juan Hill Returned to New York as a war hero
Governor of New York Coming home a war hero helped Theodore Roosevelt become Governor of NY Refused to give State Insurance Commissioner and Public Works Commissioner positions to the normal party members. Threat to patronage led republican party bosses to “kick Theodore upstairs” by having him run for vice president.
1900 election Roosevelt was an energetic campaigner he made 480 stops covering 21,000 miles by train. William McKinley is elected President for his second term with Theodore Roosevelt as his Vice President.
McKinley is assassinated McKinley didn’t want his security to get in between him and the public While shaking hands with the public on September 6 1901, McKinley was shot twice. McKinley died of gangrene on September 14 Theodore Roosevelt becomes president.
Square Deal the 3 C’s Conservation of natural resources "Leave it as it is. You can not improve on it. The ages have been at work on it, and man can only mar it." Control of Corporations “Trust Busting” Work to curb the power of trusts "within reasonable limits" Consumer Protection The Jungle by Upton Sinclair Wrote about the conditions in the meat industry
Bully Pulpit How things “ought to be” Uses speeches to influence media and shape legislation
Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902 Workers wanted higher wages, shorter workdays and their union recognized The strike threatened winter coal supplies to major cities Theodore Roosevelt met with union workers and mine owners where he then created the Anthracite Strike Commission The Strike ended after 163 days on October 23 1902
How the Teddy Bear got its name President Roosevelt while on a hunting trip refused to shoot an old bear his aides tied up for sport. The news leaks to press. Toy store owner, Morris Michtom, asks permission to call the bears his wife makes “TEDDY” bears.
Assassination Attempt 50 page speech in his breast pocket slowed down the bullet Gave a 90 minute speech while he had a bullet lodged in his ribs “Friends,” he said, “I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot— but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.”