For sharing the swing with her friends. Well done Mia! Achievement Award Mia For sharing the swing with her friends. Well done Mia! Date: 25th November 2016
Achievement Award Rozalyn For independently travelling to her timetable, posting her transition stick, selecting the next picture and travelling to place it correctly. Well done Rozalyn! Date: 25th November 2016
Achievement Award Benhail For remaining focussed and on task during group sessions and following verbal instructions unprompted. Well done Benhail! Date: 25th November 2016
Achievement Award Jack For being very brave and confident when swimming for the first time. Well done Jack! Date: 25th November 2016
Achievement Award Nico For sitting unsupported for ten minutes during his physio session. Well done Nico! Date: 25th November 2016
Achievement Award Ethan For excellent engagement during art - sitting for the duration of the session and making clear choices about pictures for his collage. Well done Ethan! Date: 25th November 2016
Achievement Award Preston For showing concern and kindness to someone who was feeling unwell and looking after them. Well done Preston! Date: 25th November 2016
Achievement Award George For excellent work in maths - recognising and continuing patterns. Well done George. Date: 25th November 2016
Achievement Award Iona For reaching out and choosing tacpac objects independently during a sensory session. Well done Iona! Date: 25th November 2016
Achievement Award Hayley For matching coins - 2p, 5p 10p and 20p. Well done Hayley! Date: 25th November 2016
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Neal For finding a symbol for the horse song during choosing time, then giving it to an adult and saying ‘Horsey, Horsey’. Well done Neal! Date: 25th November 2016
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Benhail For signing ‘yes’ unprompted in response to a question during snack and signing our good morning and school song independently. Well done Benhail! Date: 25th November 2016
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Jakub For signing the school strapline with minimal prompting. Well done Jakub! Date: 25th November 2016