Author and Illustrator: Valeri Gorbachev Genre: Fantasy The Big Trip Author and Illustrator: Valeri Gorbachev Genre: Fantasy
Word Work – Long e: e, ee, ea, -y m e j ee p b ea n w e n ea t l ea sh sl ee p y
Practice read be sea leaf these sheep heat
Let’s Read 1. red read fed feed them theme 2. we she sheep jeep neat seat 3. bed bean met meet lash leash 4. feet clean wheel these be leaf 5. crumb go hide knot 6. wrap tune stove fine 7. read reread heat reheat sleep sleepy 8. Pete and I meet at the beach. 9. We eat sweet peaches.
Word Reading eat sea each team please dream treat beach clean lean theme jeep reheat wheel these sleepy bean feed sheep leash
Compare and Contrast Good readers compare and contrast characters to understand what they are like and why they act as they do. You can use a diagram to compare and contrast characters or ideas in a story.
The Big Trip Day 2
Word Work cab cub loop leap drip drop meat mate pet pot
Let’s Read 1. red read fed feed them theme 2. we she sheep jeep neat seat these leaf 3. bed bean met meet lash leash feet wheel 4. crumb go hide knot 5. wrap tune stove fine 6. read reread heat reheat sleep sleepy 7. Nell will clean the car. 8. Lin can read each note.
High Frequency Words there by sure could don’t car about maybe
The Big Trip Day 3
Words to Read board born sing sink horn horse fork fort think thing
High - Frequency Words there by sure could don’t car about maybe
Let’s Read words with endings ng, nk ran rang bun bunk log long sang sank wink wing ring rink thank think song sing drink drank swing ink trunk spring king thing thumb white cent wreck cute pledge knock race bring bringing blink blinked strong stronger Frank sees Jean by a big tree trunk. Frank and Jean sing a song.
The Big Trip Day 4
Word Reading eat lean you’ll sea please dream train beach wren Frank’s afraid long drank play edge knock spring swing aren’t thank king trunk
Sentences The trunk of the car is open. There are many birds at the beach. Please bring me your homework. Colin got a big treat at the movies. I’ll clean the room today.
High Frequency Words Unit 4 think bring before light about by car could because carry show around don’t maybe sure there
High Frequency Words Unit 3 blue cold far little been brown know never down fall goes green four five into over bird fly bath long live their water where off out own very grow new open yellow starts three two watch eyes or those walk
High Frequency Words Unit 2 away call come every hear said her now our after draw picture read was write animal how make of some why she today would eat give one put small take
High Frequency Words Unit 1 and be help play with you for have he look too what do find funny sing no they all does here me my who friend full good hold many pull