Putting Linked Data at the Service of Libraries I would like to thank the members of the Canadian Linked Data Initiative, The Canadian Linked Data Summit sponsors and the University of Montreal for hosting this summit. Ex Libris – A Partnering Perspective Tom Hall| Northeast Account Manager 2016 Canadian Linked Data Summit
The Linked Data Opportunity Connect to the greater online knowledge Enhance data accessibility and value Evolve to accommodate new exchange format Enable new uses of discovery and resource management Ex Libris sees Linked Data as and opportunity to: There are a several common themes… Enriching new and existing resource records with metadata and references Enabling machine automation to identify new relationships Enabling the discovery of the non-obvious relationships Collaboration between vendors and libraries, as well as libraries and content/knowledge sources Collaborate to influence the future of Linked Data
Lead the way in developing Linked Data functionality and services Our Vision Lead the way in developing Linked Data functionality and services while Enhancing LD’s use in Resource Management and Discovery for the benefit of libraries and end-users. Our Vision is to the lead the way in providing functionality and services from a development standpoint in Resource Management and Discovery
Linked Data Essentials: Catalogers and Library Staff Authority control Authority control via Linked Data is more immediate, internationalized and transparent Adding metadata while cataloging Present catalogers with additional enriched data that can complement the cataloging process Essentials for Library Staff: Technical services Enable new possibilities for streamlining technical services workflows through the use of linked data
Linked Data Essentials: End Users Enhanced searching Automatically enhance Patron searches based on linked data Outbound links Present end users with links to related information based on URIs stored with the metadata Essentials for End Users include: Exploration Use the web/graph created by the linked data to facilitate a new category of information search
As with any opportunity Execution is critical. How does it all happen? Making it Happen
Linked Data Collaboration Projects Ex Libris leads and participates in multiple linked data initiatives, including: Ex Libris 2016 LD Initiative – with selected customers Lined Open Data SIWG – Special Interest Working Group ELUNA and IGeLU Europeana cultural portal European Digital Library Key objectives: Define main use cases for implementation Advise on LD features and data-services functionality Actively test and evaluate functionality Share information among key stakeholders & users I cannot emphasize enough the value of collaborating with the community. One such group is the Linked Open Data Special Interest Working Group from both the North American and International User Groups. The value brought be this group is: •Early use-cases setting the stage for a linked data white paper and collaboration project •Provision of oversight and guidance around linked data collaboration •Facilitating customer and vendor presentations and discussions at the annual user group conferences •Collaborating on Show & Tell sessions online to bring customers together to learn from each other about projects Alma: LD in the Alma technical service workflows. This will be a first step towards Linked Data support across the functions of the library. Loading and publishing of LD formatted bibliographic data Primo: Interaction between the new Primo UI and external LD sources.
Alma & Primo: Linked Library Data The goal Providing end-to-end support of Linked Data (LD), from library cataloging technical services to end-user advanced services. Key Principles Alma Primo Loading & publishing of bibliographic in LD format URI support in cataloging technical services – identifying “things” based on URIs instead of simple identifiers Access to LD to enrich data displayed to staff in every-day workflows Evolutionary support for the BIBFRAME model and ontology as it matures Discovery and access via URI of the underlying metadata Focus on LD use by non-library apps Discovery system – key interface to make data accessible to people & PCs RESTful APIs to provide support for LD- based applications Key Principles for supporting Linked Data in workflows.
Alma and Linked Data: Current Status Many of the Alma objects are accessible using URIs Alma supports a wide variety of RESTful web services returning JSON output All Alma objects are referenced by URIs in the outputs As demonstrated here with Alma’s resource management… Objects are accessible using URIs RESTful web services returning JSON output Objects in outputs are referenced by URI
Alma and Linked Data: Current Status https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/alma/integrations/linked_data
Alma and Linked Data: Current Status
Primo and Linked Data: Current Status Primo records are accessible using URIs User e-shelf and content are accessible using URIs Supports RESTful web services returning JSON-LD output { "context": "L", "@id": "https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo/v1/pnxs/L/TRIAL_1_INST_ALMA214137820000541" "@TYPE": "book", "title": "The World book dictionary", "contributor": [ "Barnhart, Clarence Lewis", "Barnhart, Robert K", "World Book-Childcraft International" ], "date": "1979", "pnxId": "TRIAL_1_INST_ALMA214137820000541", "sourceId": "TRIAL_1_INST_ALMA", "originalSourceId": "TRIAL_1_INST", "sourceSystem": "Alma", "almaId": "TRIAL_1_INST:214137820000541", As demonstrated here with Primo Discovery… Records are accessible using URIs Users e-shelf content is accessible using URIs RESTful webservices returning JSON output
Primo and Linked Data: Current Status https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/primo/apis/webservices/rest/linked_data
Linked Data: Alma and Primo Expose URI enriched metadata API 3rd Party Systems Alma Calculate URI’s to LD services Linked Data services menu Publish enriched metadata External Services VIAF Publish Library Of Congress Primo GND Linked Data Flow Chart Load enriched URI metadata Retrieve relevant external data Embed external data in the user interface Others Expose URI enriched PNX API 3rd Party Systems
Load/Publish Metadata Enriched by Linked Data Linked Data URI fields in PNX: Linked Data URI in API response: "type": "book", "title": " The soldier and the state: the theory and politics of civil-military relations ", "creator": { "sameAs": " http://viaf.org/viaf/sourceID/LC|n50029708", "label": " Huntington, Samuel P ", "@id": " http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n50029708.html"}, "date": “1957", "publisher": [ "Belknap Press of Harvard University Press" ], "language": ["http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng"],
Enhanced Cataloging Services – Example Use a default or custom @context to create linked data URIs in the resource record.
Enhanced Patron Services – Example Retrieve information from VIAF to display information about selected co-authors and other author works
The Linked Data Opportunity Enabling next generation library services Multiple benefits for both library staff and end users Collaboration projects to identify use cases with best potential Existing functionality already available as part of Alma and Primo In Summary New functionality planned as part of Ex Libris roadmap
THANK YOU thomas.hall@exlibrisgroup.com