Renaissance Man
What Is a Renaissance Man? One who exhibits the virtues of an idealized man of the Renaissance. Oxford English Dictionary A man who has broad intellectual interests and is accomplished in areas of both the arts and the sciences.
Biography Museo Leonardesco di Vinci Medieval Sourcebook: Giorgio Vasari: Life of Leonardo da Vinci 1550 Fordham University
Biography - Slide Two Leonardo da Vinci: The True Renaissance Man This is a Web Quest designed by Kim Sample at ASU’s College of Teacher Education & Leadership
Biography - Slide Three Renaissance Man The Museum of Science
The Artist Paintings until 1480 Paintings in the 1480s Late Paintings (1501-20)
The Scientist Leonardo da Vinci University of California at Berkeley Drawings of Engineering Themes by Leonardo da Vinci The Web Gallery of Art Maps
The Scientist - Slide Two Architectural Studies Anatomical Studies Studies of Nature Images from the The Web Gallery of Art
The Notebook The Codex Leicester at the American Museum of Natural History The Mirror Writing of Leonardo daVinci Museum of Science
Designs by Others Doodles, Drafts & Designs: Industrial Drawings from The Smithsonian The Museum of Unworkable Devices Lockhaven University Design Handbook Index - Click on Machine Elements M.I.T.
More Designs by Others Sample Engineering Drawings Middle East Technical University Old Time Clip Art Mechanical Drawings Still on the Drawing Board Pancake Parlour Restaurants
Images in this presentation are courtesy of David Reuteler at