What is the opportunity? How can I get involved? What is bitqyck? What is the opportunity? How can I get involved? This is the end Game –
This is the end Game – bitqyck Introduction Video
History of Money/Commerce
Over 5 Billion Unbanked Adults on our Planet. Banking The Unbanked Over 5 Billion Unbanked Adults on our Planet.
bitqyck is the convergence of E-Commerce, the Blockchain, U. S bitqyck is the convergence of E-Commerce, the Blockchain, U.S. based bitqy cryptocurrency and Direct-to-Consumer Marketing
In addition to receiving bitqy cryptocurrency EVERY bitqy contains 1/10th of a share of bitqyck, Inc. Common Stock!
Introducing bitqyck’s Daily Deals Platform
Move Over, Groupon! Great for Business! bitqyck Inc. is designed to disrupt the daily deals market by bringing BOTH immediate and long term value to the consumer AND the business owner
Receive your goods or services PLUS receive long term value PRE-APPROVAL Move Over, Groupon! Great for Consumers! Buy your daily deal Receive your goods or services PLUS receive long term value FOR MEN
Works just like Groupon! $69 2 = $34.50 $34.50 to bitqyck $34.50 to Guido’s
bitqy Coin Allocation $34.50 ÷ $.02 = 1725 bitqy 1725 ÷ 4 = 431 431 bitqy to Guido’s 431 bitqy to customer 431 bitqy to business referring affiliate 431 bitqy to customer referring affiliate
Note: Illustration is based on a constant bitqy price of $0.02 bitqy Coin Allocation 431 bitqy x 3,500 daily deals = 1,508,500 bitqy to Guido’s 431 bitqy x 3,500 = 1,508,500 to business referring affiliate 431 bitqy x 3,500 = 1,508,500 to customer 431 bitqy x 3,500 = 1,508,500 to customer referring affiliate 1,508,500 bitqy at $0.02 = $30,170 value Note: Illustration is based on a constant bitqy price of $0.02
Affiliate Commission Illustration $8.45 for each Guido daily deal sold (3,500) $2.60 to referring business affiliate $1.30 match to enroller of referring business affiliate $1.30 to referring customer affiliate $0.65 to enroller of referring customer affiliate $2.60 to Global Sales Incentive Pool
Affiliate Commission Illustration $2.60 x 3,500 = $9,100 to referring business affiliate $1.30 x 3,500 = $4,550 to enroller of referring business affiliate $1.30 x 3,500 = $4,550 to referring customer affiliates $0.65 x 3,500 = $2,275 to enroller of referring customer affiliates $2.60 x 3,500 = $9,100 to Global Sales Incentive Account
PRE-APPROVAL Affiliates You can take part of this revolutionary shift in business by becoming a bitqyck Affiliate. FOR MEN
bitqy Opportunity
EARLY ADAPTOR/FIRST MOVERS Program In addition to your earnings though the daily deals market, from now until May 1, 2017, you can earn commissions on the sale of bitqy product packages AND earn a lifetime qualification within our affiliate program
bitqy Product Packages for Purchase PAGE TITLE bitqy Product Packages for Purchase $1,000.00 = $1,334 in bitqy coins ($1,000 commission value) Rev Share from 15Winks App Rev Share from mployMe App $499.00 = $600 in bitqy coins ($500 commission value) $349.00 = $400 in bitqy coins ($350 commission value) $199.00 = $200 in bitqy coins ($200 commission value)
Affiliate Compensation Plan RETAIL COMMISSION – paid weekly 10% on personally enrolled product option purchases (retail sales volume of bitqy) 100% MATCH (10%) on personally enrolled affiliate commissions (retail sales commissions)
Qualified Affiliates GBA PBA PMQ Gold bitqyck Affiliate PAGE TITLE Qualified Affiliates GBA PBA PMQ Gold bitqyck Affiliate 2 Teams minimum $4,000 volume $2,000 max per Team Platinum bitqyck Affiliate 2 Teams minimum $10,000 volume $5,000 max per Team Platinum Match Qualified Affiliate Match the Match Pay Two Platinums
Global Sales Incentive Bonus PAGE TITLE Global Sales Incentive Bonus 10% of company sales are paid out monthly to qualified affiliates
Disclaimer A bitqyck Community Affiliate's (BCA) success depends in great part upon his or her skills, efforts, dedication, desire, and motivation. Becoming a BCA is NOT a guarantee of income. Average income or value from the bitqyck BCA Compensation Plan, the training information, or the trading of bitqy has not been established. There is no purchase of a bitqyck product required to become a BCA, however, a BCA must have a customer that purchases a bitqyck product to receive compensation from bitqyck.