The Mind of Man
Introduction In this lesson, we consider the mind of man. The human mind is the faculty of our thought and imagination, reasoning and recognition. It processes our feelings and emotions, our resolutions and decisions, which find expression in our attitudes and actions.
Biblical Occurrences The expression, “the mind,” occurs in 16 passages in the NASB (Job 38:36; Prov. 15:14; 16:9; 18:15; Eccl. 7:4; Isa. 32:4; Jer. 17:10; 20:12; Rom. 8:6, 7, 27; 11:34; 1 Cor. 2:16; 14:15; Eph. 2:3; Rev. 17:9). What can be learned from these and other related passages?
What is… The mind of man is created by God (Job 38: 1-7, 36; cf. Psa. 139:13-16). The mind of man is known to God (Jer. 20:12; Rom. 8:26-27).
What is… The mind of man is limited: we cannot know God’s will and purpose apart from divine revelation (Rom. 11: 33-36, esp. v. 34; 1 Cor. 2: 11-16, esp. v. 16).
What is… The mind of man is sinful (Eph. 2: 1-3, esp. v. 3). The mind of man is (and will be) tested by God (Jer. 17:10; cf. Psalm 26:1-2).
What Should Be… The mind of man should acquire knowledge (Prov. 15:14; 18:15). The mind of man should be wise - if it is guided by revelation (Prov. 16:9; Rev. 17: 9-14, esp. v. 9).
What Should Be… The mind of man should be properly focused (Rom. 8:5-8, esp. vv. 6, 7).
What Should Be… The mind of man should engage in worship (1 Cor. 14:15). The mind of man should be reflective (Eccl. 7:4).
Conclusion: What Can Be… Through obedience to the gospel, the mind of sinful man can potentially be redeemed (Isa. 32:1- 5,esp. v. 4; cf. 29:22-24).
Challenge Having received the mind of Christ, let us reciprocate by heeding His call, obeying His commandments, loving God and our brethren, and by bearing fruit (John 15:12-17).