RAG – What is it? Dan Tinkler – Student Groups Coordinator #SocCon16 RAG – What is it? Dan Tinkler – Student Groups Coordinator Ahtesham Mahmood – Vice President Student Activities
What is it University RAG societies are student-run charitable fundraising organisations In some universities Rags are known as Charities Campaigns, Charity Appeals, Charity Committees, or Karnivals, but they all share many attributes.
Chair Vice President Student Activiities Structure of RAG Chair Vice President Student Activiities Society’s liaison Socieities Think tank Sports liaison Sport clubs Rag Secretary
Duties of Committee To ensure all fundraising groups are paying into the SU and not the charity themselves as this is illegal To organise events throughout the year as a team The first task would be to decide our main charity to support – 25% of all fundraising will go the main charity we will be supporting this year and the remaining 75% will go to the charity chosen by Societies /Sports clubs
RAG Events RAG WEEK – February Firework Extravaganza Many more to come!! Jailbreak
Jailbreak The rules of jailbreak are simple; you have 36 hours to travel as far from your university as you can, without spending any of your own money, with some students making it halfway across the world if they’re creative enough. Jailbreak - a charity fundraiser organised by numerous universities, which aims to gather funds for worthy causes through students getting sponsorship for their adventurous travel challenge.
Jailbreak Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbcAduDiq0Y
What makes fundraising successful? Group discussion, split if large group, push towards understanding of a campaign.
Following Procedures Do’s Don’ts (The Boring Bit) Ensure you clearly state the charity you are raising for. Take any money you raise home. Raise for something that isn’t registered as an official charity. Bank all money raised each day at the DSU Reception. If the reception is shut leave the money with the Activities Office Pay the money straight to the charity yourself. It must go through RAG or it is illegal. Ensure that you fill out a BACS form to donate the money to the charity. We need a printout from an official charity email with the bank details on.
Fundraising Tips
Fundraising Tips Be creative – by week 3 everyone is sick of bake sales! Fundraising is a campaign, not an event! Make sure people understand your cause. Cover your publicity in it. Heartstrings = donation. Get a charity letter from DSU – it can help you in getting business’ to donate. Work with other student groups Fundraising doesn’t just have to come from other students it can be from the public. If you want to go on council land speak to the Activates Office. You will need council permits.
Plan a Fundraising Campaign Activity Plan a Fundraising Campaign Think about the following Goals Who it would be for (heartstrings) What you will do Who you want to donate How you’ll promote it What you need to do it Any procedures you need to follow
Get in touch Ahtesham: ahtesham.mahmood3@dmu.ac.uk Activities Office @DSU_Sact Activities Office