Maximising travel on 3-star or better roads Rob McInerney ( iRAP, Chief Executive Officer
iRAP Vision iRAP is a charity with the vision for a world free of high-risk roads. Key Partners
Star Rating Developed by world-leading road safety research agencies Free to use globally thanks to iRAP donors Simple & objective measure of the safety of road infrastructure in urban and rural areas Pedestrian, Bicyclist, Motorcyclist and Vehicle Occupant Star Ratings Star Rating targets for policy and design
Join our interactive session in the U-Turn Room from 6:00pm today Star Rating Join our interactive session in the U-Turn Room from 6:00pm today
Star Ratings
83% Pedestrians of roads where pedestrians are present and speeds are 40km/h or more have no footpath
61% Head-on Crashes of roads where vehicles travel at 80km/h or more are undivided single carriageways
Vehicle occupants We can use the results to identify low-risk sites (the bridge has safety barrier along both sides, a physical median and no intersections) and the high risk locations (undivided, hazardous roadside objects and poorly designed intersections).
iRAP Investment Plans
More than 70 countries Uruguay before after
Belize 5 Pillar Initiative Caribbean Development Bank iRAP Star Ratings Roads Upgraded Lives Saved Project Evaluation
Minimum Star Ratings: India Case Study Minimum 3 star standard specified for 550km road upgrade Design team driven to hit target Innovation in design (e.g. speed tables at intersections / ped xings) Immediate measure of success 248 fatalities per year before 111 fatalities per year after 55% reduction INDIA Highlights Before: 86% Design 1 13% Design 2 4% Design 3 2%
Intersection upgrades BEFORE AFTER Key Upgrades Paved shoulders Dual carriageway Curve realignment Delineation Speed management Safer roadsides Pedestrian footpaths Pedestrian crossings Intersection upgrades 137 lives & 1,000+ serious injuries saved every year
Minimum star rating targets “….4-star for pedestrians in linear settlements” “….maximise travel on 3-star or better” “….minimum 3-star for all road users”