Research Referencing Writing Report Writing The 3 R’s Research Referencing Writing
At the end of this unit you should be able to Define report writing Describe the components of a report Appreciate the range of services offered by the library Analyse the benefits and drawbacks of a range of primary and secondary research resources Define plagiarism and demonstrate writing and referencing strategies to prevent plagiarism in practice.
Choose 3 of the following activities (or others of your choice!) Task Choose 3 of the following activities (or others of your choice!) Clubbing, playstations, work, babysitting, playing a sport, cooking, in the pub Describe the type of language you use when orally communicating with others during each activity
Report a written document that presents an investigation of a thesis, question or problem 3 main sections Preliminaries Main Body End
Task See handout Components of a Report Pick out the 3 main sections of the report Preliminaries Main body Ending
STYLE – The 4 C’s of Report Writing Clear Concise Complete Correct
Academic Sources List as many sources of information used in report writing
Academic Sources Lecture notes Recommended reading Reference books Journals Core text Internet & web based Subject expert
Plagiarism- Tutorial Exercise B Read the scenarios and indicate which constitute plagiarism
Referencing Albert Einstein (1879-1955) “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources” Mark Twain (1835-1910) “If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything”
Why Reference?
Harvard Referencing System
In text citation The work of Rubin (1915) made a significant contribution to the understanding of perception The work of Rubin (1915a) made a significant contribution to the understanding of perception Rubin (1915b) states that perception is critical to our understanding of human behaviour Perception is critical to our understanding of human behaviour (Rubin 1915b)
In text citation – direct quote Rubin (1915b:96) states that “perception is critical to our understanding of human behaviour and should be not be ignored”.
In text citation – several writers Perception is critical to our understanding of human behaviour (Rubin 1915, Gallagher 1992, Quinn et al 1999). Use ‘et al’ if four or more authors wrote the book.
Composing the Bibliography Alphabetically by author (then year) See handout Refer to my Moodle site
Exercise: Referencing Correct the references in this handout.
Quoting versus Paraphrasing Quoting means using someone else's exact words. Paraphrasing is putting someone else's words or ideas into your own words.
Example: Paraphrasing
Summarising Involves extracting key ideas and condensing them into a smaller amount of text.
Synthesising Creating original writing that combines ideas from other sources but is developed to include your own individual thinking
Writing Skills Audit
Within the essay - Writing Less description, more analysis Don’t wander off the subject Don’t leave it to the last minute Don’t PLAGIARISE Write clearly…good sentences, proper punctuation, correct spelling Don’t waffle Avoid the use of ‘I’ Put in something a bit original Show evidence of independent thought
Punctuation See rough guide to punctuation The apostrophe ‘
Task To be completed for next class To be done individually See page 139 to 141 in your book
Summary- The 3 R’s Writing…….beginning, middle, end Referencing Quoting, Paraphrasing, Synthesising, Summarising