ERA Priority 2: Transnational cooperation and competition (cross-border cooperation and infrastructure) Harry Tuinder Research Infrastructure Unit DG.


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Presentation transcript:

ERA Priority 2: Transnational cooperation and competition (cross-border cooperation and infrastructure) Harry Tuinder Research Infrastructure Unit DG Research, Science & Innovation European Commission The presentation shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting commitment by the European Commission

Research Infrastructures Four Main Developments 2016 Update ESFRI Roadmap ( Charter of Access ris.pdf#view=fit&pagemode=none European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) Long Term Sustainability of Research Infrastructures The presentation shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting commitment by the European Commission

2016 ESFRI Roadmap Update

ESFRI Roadmap Update Commitments made by Member States and the Commission in the Innovation Union Flagship initiative (2010) and in the Communication "A reinforced European Research Area partnership for Excellence and Growth” (2012) , in particular as regard reaching the 60% target of implemented ESFRI projects by 2015 has been fulfilled High number of projects in the 2010 Roadmap (48) led to a prioritisation endorsed by the European Council in May 2014 aimed at concentrating Member States resources on projects whose timely implementation was considered essential to extend the frontiers of knowledge The presentation shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting commitment by the European Commission

ESFRI Roadmap Update New ESFRI Roadmap contains 21 Projects and 29 Landmarks (successfully implemented ESFRI projects that are delivering science services or effectively advancing in their construction) 21 Projects (nine from the 2008 Roadmap, six from the 2010 Roadmap, five new projects plus one reoriented project) ACTRIS (Finland) (Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Research Infrastructure) DANUBIUS-RI (Romania) (International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systems) EMPHASIS (Germany) (European Infrastructure for multi-scale Plant Phenomics and Simulation for food security in a changing climate) EST (Spain) (European Solar Telescope) E-RIHS (Italy) (European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science) The presentation shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting commitment by the European Commission

ESFRI Roadmap Update Redirected: KM3NeT 2.0 (Netherlands) (KM3 Neutrino Telescope 2.0:Astroparticle & Oscillations Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) Four emerging projects: Marinerg-I (Marine renewable energy research infrastructure) eLTER (Integrated European Long-term ecosystem, critical zone and socioecological system research infrastructure) METROFOOD (Infrastructure for promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition) GGP (Generations and Gender Programme) The presentation shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting commitment by the European Commission

ESFRI Roadmap Update Novelties: Increased maturity requirement for entering on the Roadmap Increased commitment to be eligible (three MS/AC) Lifecycle Approach (max 10 years on the Roadmap) Introduction of Landmarks (RI under construction or operation) Regular Assessments and Monitoring both Science & Technology as well as managerial progress Next Update 2018, to be launched at ICRI Conference in Cape Town – South Africa, 3-5 October 2016 The presentation shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting commitment by the European Commission

Charter for Access

Policy Context Access to RI identified as one of the building blocks for the implementation of the ERA 2012 ERA Communication launched the process to develop a Charter of Access setting out common standards and harmonised access rules and conditions for the use by researchers of RI across ERA 2012 Council Conclusions welcomed the ERA Communication "as a basis for a strengthening partnership in the field of research infrastructures"

Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures. Section 1 - Purpose The Charter "sets out non-regulatory principles and guidelines to be used as a reference when defining Access policies for Research Infrastructures and related services" Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures. Section 1 - Purpose

Key features Applicable to all typologies of Research Infrastructures Promotes Common terminology Promotes Transparency Enables harmonisation of standards for Access Policies Recognises Access for: Research Education and training Doctoral preparation Living document Offered to wider international context (OECD-GSF/GSO…)

ERIC Regulation

ERIC Implementation 2011 SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) (DE) 2012 CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) (NL) 2013 EATRIS (European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure in Medicine) (NL), ESS (European Social Survey) (UK), BBMRI (Biobanking and Biomolecular Research Infrastructure) (AT), ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) (FR)

ERIC Implementation 2014 Euro-Argo (European contribution to the international Argo Programme) (FR), CERIC (Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium) (IT), DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) (FR), JIV (Joint Institute for Very Long Baseline Interferometry) (NL) 2015 European Spallation Source (SE), ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) (Finland)

ERIC Implementation Ongoing Step 2 applications: EMSO (European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water Column Observatory) (IT) – Final application received Lifewatch (ES) – Final application pending STEP 1 applications received in 2015: European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure (ECCSEL) (NO) Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) (NO) EU-OPENSCREEN (DE) INSTRUCT (UK)

ERICs' Membership increases

Consultation on Long-term sustainability of Research Infrastructures

Policy Context Informal Competitiveness Council of 22 July 2014: strong focus on long-term sustainability of RI Mission statement of Commissioner Moedas: "Improving research infrastructure and making better use of research results is essential to strengthen innovation further, develop new activities and boost the productivity and competitiveness of our economy" Achievement of Innovation Union Commitment of 60% implementation of 2010 ESFRI Roadmap by 2015 Adoption of prioritized ESFRI 2016 Roadmap Contribution of Research Infrastructures to priorities of Commissioner Moedas on Open Innovation, Open Science & Open to the world

Questionnaire structure Long Term Sustainability Preconditions: Ensuring Scientific excellence Skills of managers, operators and users Unlocking the Innovation potential of RI Measuring socio-economic impact of RI Exploiting better the data generated by the RI RI Life cycle – Upgrading of RI RI Life cycle – Decommissioning of RI Ensuring sustainable governance of RI Funding the construction and operation of RI Structuring the international dimension of RI The objective of the questionnaire is to gather stakeholders' views on the aspects which need to be addressed to ensure the long-term sustainability The presentation shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting commitment by the European Commission

Pre-conditions ranking (ranking scale 1-10: averages) Socio economic condition: RI operators 4,8 Policy makers 6,2 The presentation shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting commitment by the European Commission

Structuring the international dimension of RI Measures to support the international outreach and visibility of pan-European RI such as the ESFRI projects and ERICs The presentation shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting commitment by the European Commission

Upcoming events May: Competitiveness Council conclusions June – November: develop LTS action plan with key stakeholders (incl. ESFRI) End 2016 – Mid 2017: discussion with MS and agreement on the way forward The presentation shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting commitment by the European Commission