Reconciliation Barometer - Using data from a real-world context
Click here to watch the YouTube video: “Our History, Our Story, Our Future.”
What does “reconciliation” mean? Think – write down what you think “reconciliation” means Pair – find a friend and discuss your ideas Share – as a class group, report the ideas of your partner
Who is reconciliation for? Here are some responses from different people about reconciliation. What do you think about each statement?
I think reconciliation is just for certain groups in the community to sort out for themselves. I think reconciliation is something the government should do something about. Reconciliation is important but it is an adult problem. Kids can’t do anything about it. I think reconciliation involves all of us. If we are not together on this, then we will never have a united country.
Towards a reconciled, just and equitable Australia. The following data is taken from the 2014 Reconciliation Barometer. It reports the attitudes and beliefs of Australians. Towards a reconciled, just and equitable Australia.
What does the data tell us? We believe it is important to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories. 92% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 85% General community
What does the data tell us? We believe that the policies of previous governments have been a cause of racial discrimination. 38% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 17% General community
What does the data tell us? We believe that the relationship between the general community and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population is important. 96% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 86% General community
We believe that Australia is a racist country. What does the data tell us? We believe that Australia is a racist country. 48% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 35% General community
What does the data tell us? We have experienced or witnessed racial prejudice in the past six months. 31% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 13% General community
What does the data tell us? We believe that government departments can do more to reduce prejudice and discrimination. 76% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 57% General community
We believe that we can become a better and reconciled nation. What does the data tell us? We believe that we can become a better and reconciled nation. 70% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 65% General community
What does the data tell us? We believe that we would like to do something to contribute to reconciliation. 68% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 44% General community
We know what we can do to contribute to reconciliation. What does the data tell us? We know what we can do to contribute to reconciliation. 47% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 24% General community
What does the data tell us? We believe that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are important to Australia’s national identity. 87% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 72% General community
We are proud of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. What does the data tell us? We are proud of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. 85% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians 57% General community
This is not all the data from the Reconciliation Barometer. For the complete report, visit:
Take 5 of the statements from the Reconciliation Barometer and ask your own sample group the same question. Your sample group might be your class, your family or your friends Graph results here as 3-way data side-by-side column graph - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population - General population - My population
Choose 1 of the statements from the Reconciliation Barometer to drill down further Give five possible responses – strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree Conduct survey – use tallies? Use counters into container? Represent as counters of different colours for each response Convert to squares (using scale?) on horizontal 100% bar graph to show the proportion of each response