Summary of Convention Actions


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Presentation transcript:

Summary of Convention Actions September 2016

Election Results: 2016-2018 Officers Sonja Hönig Schough President Susanne von Bassewitz President-Elect Sharon Langenbeck Vice President Bridget Masters Treasurer/ Secretary

Election Results: 2016-2018 International Directors Sonia Albanese Judith Anderson Lydia Chaillou Judith Kautz Ute Scholz Ursula Werner Hsin-Hsin Yang

Biennial Goals Goal 1: Zonta’s Service programs reflect on and enhance our mission. Goal 2: Zonta International is a leading advocate for women’s rights. Goal 3: Zonta International builds and sustains a vibrant global membership. Goal 4: Zonta International maintains resources to support mission and vision fulfillment. Goal 5: Zonta’s Centennial Anniversary Celebrations have visibility around the world.

Bylaws and Resolutions Bylaw changes and resolutions were voted on at the Zonta International Convention 2016 in Nice, France.

Article XI: Zonta International Nominating Committee Section 2: Qualifications A member of the International Nominating Committee is eligible for nominations at the district and club levels. Previously, members of the International Nominating Committee were not eligible for nominations at any level of Zonta International while serving on the Committee. Now, members are eligible for nominations at the district and club levels. They still are not eligible for nominations at the international level.

Article XII: Committees Section 11: Leadership Development Committee The Leadership Development Committee was established as a standing committee. Section 12: Z and Golden Z Club Committee The Z and Golden Z Club Committee was established as a standing committee. Two new standing committees were established; the Leadership Development Committee and the Z and Golden Z Club Committee. The Leadership Development Committee will develop and provide resources for leadership development at all levels of Zonta International. The Z and Golden Z Club Committee will provide resources and information to encourage the formation of Z and Golden Z Clubs and provide ongoing support. This committee will also select and recommend candidates for the annual Emma Conlon Service Awards to the Zonta International Board.

Article XIII: Districts Section 6(c) Officers, Term of office An area director can now serve another term in the same position if four years have passed since the last term. Section 10(e) District Board, Removal Rules for removal of elected district officers now applies to all levels (club, district and international). Concerned district officers now have the right to be present at the meeting for consideration of removal. Area directors are now able to serve another term in the same position as long as four years have passed since their previous term. The removal process rules now apply to all levels and district officers have the right to be present at the meeting for consideration of removal.

Article XIII: Districts Section 13. Nominating Committee (a) How Constituted A member of the District Nominating Committee is eligible for nominations at the international and club levels. (b) Term Appointed district committee chairmen, in addition to district board members, are eligible for the District Nominating Committee

Article XIV: Clubs Section 10: Z Clubs and Golden Z Clubs The status of Z and Golden Z clubs is clarified, stating they are service programs sponsored by a Zonta club which shall pay a charter fee and renewal fee.

Resolutions Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women The campaign “Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women” shall continue in the 2016-2018 Biennium. Young Professional Membership Category A pilot project for the 2016-2018 Biennium allows members under the age of 30 to pay 50 percent (50%) of the international dues. The Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign started in 2012 and was voted to continue in the 2016-2018 biennium. A pilot project called Young Professional Membership was approved. This allows members under the age of 30 to pay 50 percent of the international dues in

Let Us Learn Madagascar School enrollment fees are often prohibitively expensive for families, forcing parents to select only one child to send to school. Often, girls are left behind. One out of three girls in Madagascar become pregnant before the age of 18. Zonta International’s contribution of US$1 million will focus on reaching out-of-school children, providing training to their teachers, and constructing proper learning environments.

Delaying Early Marriage in Niger Niger has the highest rate of child marriage in the world with 77% of girls married before the age of 18. Forty-two percent of girls give birth before the age of 17. Zonta International’s contribution will help improve health, ensure education, protect against violence, and encourage leadership. 11,000 adolescent girls will participate in the program thanks to Zonta’s support.

Eliminating Obstetric Fistula in Liberia Fistula is a childbirth injury caused by a prolonged labor without timely medical intervention. Zonta International and UNFPA provide properly trained and equipped surgeons as well as social rehabilitation services for fistula survivors. Zonta International has partnered with UNFPA since 2008 to end fistula in Liberia.

Addressing Human Trafficking and Unsafe Migration in Nepal Zonta International’s contribution to UN Women will create sustainable foundations for addressing the nexus between human trafficking and foreign labor migration of women and girls in Nepal. Trafficking often takes place as part of undocumented migration.