Each team has 3 questions Each team has 3 questions. Your task is simple – score more penalties than your opponent! Teacher instructions START
1 Last year saw UK consumers taking out the highest level of unsecured credit since 2007. How much credit did UK households have in 2016? L £66.7bn £37.8bn R Tie-Break NEXT
Start 4 1 6 2 5 3 Instructions: Running the activity: Note: You must enable ‘macros’ when prompted. Running the activity: Separate class into 2 teams (team 1 and team 2). Team 1 will always answer first. Run the slideshow from slide 1 and explain that this is a penalty shootout. Each team will receive three questions (each with one correct and one incorrect answer). The team which gets the most correct answers is the winner. When ready, click on ‘Start’. The first question and two possible answers will be on screen. After allowing discussion, ask team 1 which answer do they wish to go for (L for Left or R for Right). Click on the team’s answer. On the next screen (shootout screen) click on the ball and the team will be told if they are correct or not. Click on ‘Return’ to go back to the question screen. The correct answer is highlighted in green. Click on ‘Next’ for the next question. Question 2 should be answered by team 2. Follow the same procedure as question 1. With the remaining four questions, ask Team 1 and 2 alternately. If at the end of the 6 questions the teams are tied, click on the ‘Tie-break’ button. Allow students a few moments to come up with an answer (it is usually a good idea if they write their answer down). Click on ‘Click for answer’ to reveal the answer and calculate which team has won (which team was nearest to the correct answer). Question Correct Answer Incorrect answer The Government launched a new campaign this week to make people aware of the right to a National Living Wage. What is the current rate per hour? £7.20 £6.90 £7.10 £7.50 Germany announced a higher than expected rise in GDP for 2016. What was that rise? 1.9% 0.5% 2.8% 3.5% On Thursday night, the FTSE 100 index broke a new record for consecutive days of finishing at its highest ever level. How many consecutive days had it reached? 11 9 13 15 Last year saw UK consumers taking out the highest level of unsecured credit since 2007. How much credit did UK households have in 2016? £66.7bn £37.8bn £44.4bn £53.3bn Supermarket Sainsbury announced a better than expected Christmas sales period for 2016. Which other major UK retailer did Sainsbury takeover in 2016? Argos Lloyds Pharmacy Fat Face Edinburgh Woollen Mill Chocolate manufacturer Cadbury announced a hike in the price of its iconic ‘Freddo’ bar this week. How much is that increase? 20% 10% 15% 25%
When the stock market closed on Thursday 12 January what was the value of the FTSE 100 index? 7292 Click for answer