Explain the advantages and disadvantages of viable energy resources Oil: Still in regional abundance in North America, especially in USA and Mexico. Efficient in energy and easy to use. Unsustainable demand with increased reliance on Middle East and only 41 years left of reserves at current levels of consumption. Very severe environmental impacts such as the Canadian tar sands which uses 4 barrels of water for every barrel of oil produced and can leads to accidents such as the BP oil spill which affected 625 miles of coast in USA and generated 40,000 tonnes of solid waste. Gas: Plenty of reserves, especially Canada, (7000cft) USA, (23000cft) and is the least polluting fossil fuel. Could possibly be used as a political power by Russia by shutting off supplies, like it did to Belarus by 15% when Belarus did not pay off its debts to Russia. Still contributes to climate change and the enhanced greenhouse effect. Coal: The most common form of fossil fuel, USA has enough to last it for 250 years at present rate of consumption. Easy to use as fuel so even LEDCs can use it effectively . The least efficient form of fossil fuel, and the dirtiest form which most contributes to climate change. It is one third as efficient as oil. Nuclear: Energy efficient 2cm pellet of uranium can generate as much power as 200,000 tonnes of coal. Produces radioactive waste and could lead to disasters such as Chernobyl, and could be vulnerable to terrorist attacks or building nuclear weapons.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of viable energy resources Bio fuel: Carbon neutral, as it takes in as much Co2 during its lifetime as it does when combusted. Can be blended with diesel to be used in engines, so they can be gradually changed from diesel to bio ethanol. Different crops have different effectives, as corn starch in the USA is as one fifth as effective as sugar cane which is grown in Brazil. Deforestation occurs to make room for fuels such as in Indonesia for palm oil and countries can use so much land for fuel, they no longer have enough room for food crops. Solar: Renewable energy source and many areas have potential such as Mexico, Australia, Spain etc. as these have many empty spaces to be set up as they don’t have many people. Oil is still needed to create the panels and many countries cannot afford the infrastructure to build the solar plants, and it is reliant on the weather conditions. Wind: Renewable energy source and will become as cheap as oil by 2018. Renewable energy source and can be used in many areas including most of North America and Europe. Reliant on the weather conditions and unpopular with many people because of the noise and perceived affect on birds and bats.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of viable energy resources Geothermal: Gives off no greenhouse gases and leaves no lasting impact on the environment and creates a lot of thermal and heat power. Can only work around specific geological zones such as New Zealand and Iceland, and can cause land subsidence such as in New Zealand, plus the plants are very expensive to build. HEP: Brazil, USA China and Canada account for 47% of world HEP production. Gives off no greenhouse gases, and does not pollute the water used. Rivers’ discharge are decreasing due to climate change, so less power can be generated and causes localised environmental damage due to creating reservoirs. Wave/tidal: Gives off no greenhouse gases and causes no environmental damage, localised or global. Not economically viable in small scale projects. Slow to get going but there is one plant off the Orkney Island coast which can supply 315 kilowatts.