Research-Based SAE Programs
Experimental SAEs A students plans and conducts an agricultural experiment using a scientific process. Purpose: To provide "hands-on" experience 1. Verifying, learning or demonstrating scientific principles in agriculture. 2. Discovering new knowledge. 3. Using the scientific process.
Experimental SAE Charachteristics There is a control group This is a group of subjects (plants, animals, etc.) that receive no special treatment
Experimental SAE Characteristics There is one or more experimental groups This group (or groups) receive the experimental treatment(s)
Experimental SAE Experimental activities are mostly used in agricultural classes where there is a strong emphasis on biotechnology or agriscience.
Steps in Conducting an Experiment 1. Identify the problem to be investigated What do you have an interest in Is there some problem in your community that needs attention
2. Conduct a thorough review of the literature Read articles in magazines, research journals and on the internet to see what is already known about the problem Interview people who may have specialized knowledge in the area. Summarize what you have learned
Steps in Conducting an Experiment 3. Design the Experiment What will need to done to answer the research question? What treatment(s) will be used? Where will the experiment be conducted? What supplies and materials are needed? How long will it take? What procedures will be followed?
Steps in Conducting an Experiment 4. Formulate a hypothesis This is your educated guess about the outcome of the experiment. The hypothesis should be directional Treatment A will produced more pounds of gain than treatment B The experimental group will remain fresh longer than the control group. The weeds sprayed with treatment A will die more quickly than the weeds sprayed with treatments B and C.
Steps in Conducting an Experiment 5. Conduct the Experiment and 6. Collect the Data Regular observations and measurements will need to be made
Steps in Conducting an Experiment 7. Analyze the data and arrive at conclusions What do all your data (numbers and measurements) mean? 8. Prepare the final report written document. A display (like those used in science fairs) is also a good way to show what has been done
Research Terminology Independent Variable – the variable you manipulate, the treatment Temperature Light Acidity Nutrients Soil type Time Magnetic Field
Research Terminology Dependent Variable – the measurement resulting from the application of the independent variable. This is normally some unit of measure. Gain in weight Percent survival Distance traveled per gallon
Examples of Experimental SAEs Comparing the effect of various planting media on plant growth Determining the impact of different levels of protein on fish growth Comparing three rooting hormones on root development
Examples of Experimental SAEs Determining the strength of welds using different welding methods
Experimental SAE A quality experimental SAE should: Have specific objectives Follow the scientific process Involve a number of steps Focus on an important agricultural/scientific issue, question or principle Be of sufficient size and scope to assure a quality learning experience Require a moderate to substantial time commitment on the part of the student Be supervised by the teacher
FFA and Research SAEs There are two major FFA programs that recognize student achievement in conducting agriscience SAE programs: Agriscience Student Agriscience Fair
Agriscience Student Each state can recognize one outstanding student in the area of Agriscience each year At the national level, there are 8 finalists for Agriscience Student of the Year You have to complete an application form Prepare a display Make a 15 minute presentation (at the national level)
Agriscience Fair Many states have a state level agriscience fair sponsored by the FFA. State Winners get to compete in the National Agriscience Fair conducted at the National FFA Convention. There are five categories of entries in the Agriscience Fair
Agriscience Fair Categories Biochemistry/Microbiology/Food Science Example of projects Compare different yeast fermentation techniques for converting sugars to alcohol. Research resistance of organic fruits to common diseases. Examine techniques for controlling molds on bakery products.
Agriscience Fair Categories Environmental Sciences Examples Study effect of agricultural chemicals on water quality. Compare water movements through different soil types. Examine effects of cropping practices on wildlife populations. Compare different irrigation systems for energy efficiency.
Agriscience Fair Categories Zoology (Animal Science) Examples Compare effects of different thawing temperatures on livestock semen. Compare effects of different nutrient levels on animal growth. Study effects of growth hormones on meat or milk production. Research new disease control mechanisms. Examine effects of estrous synchronization on ovulation.
Agriscience Fair Categories Botany (Plant/Soil Science) Examples Examine effect of substrate particle size on shiitake mushroom growth. Research effects of heavy metals such as cadmium on edible plants. Compare plant growth using hydroponics and conventional methods. Study effect of ultraviolet light on soil microbes.
Agriscience Fair Categories Engineering (Mechanical/Agricultural Engineering Science) Examples Develop alternate energy source engines. Investigate light energy sources. Test absorption media for plant materials. Compare various tillage methods for energy efficiency.