Students helping Honduras Meeting 4/6/2017
April Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 6 Meeting BWW Night 7 8 Door-to-Door (1 PM) 9 10 11 Bracelet Sale (11-1) N.P. 12 SHH Games (11:30-2) N.P. 13 (11:30-2) Manhattan (6-10) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Meeting (LAST) 21 Baking Night (8 PM) 22 Bake Sale (11-3 Giant) 23 Yard Fest (10-2) Sub 1 Quad 24 25 Thrift SHHop (11-4) N.P. 26 27 28 29 Car Wash OR Camping
Upcoming Events Door to Door- Saturday: Where? SHH Games (Need to re-reserve N.P. because of change in event, some games may not be approved) Pick Games or another event Time: 11:30-2 PM (Wed & Thurs) Wed- Game? Thurs- Candy Sale? Car Wash or Camping the weekend of May 29th? Car wash would be the following week if necessary (Waiting on location approval and time)--> Would be last event of the year! We have made $2,220.50 PROFIT so far! Some money had to be sent back for bracelets, raffles, and coffee sales! (This includes $250 from BWW 2 weeks ago, still waiting for check)
Letter Writing Writing letters to family and friends is an effective way to raise money for your personal trip. If you are not going on a trip, consider writing letters to help GMU raise money! You can follow the template OR create your own. You can write or type your letters. We have stamps, envelopes and paper – you just need to provide the address.
Template #1:
Template #2:
Template #3:
TIPS For letter writing Modify the sample letters to fit your situation. Keep it short and simple. Write your goals, purpose of the project, and reasons for volunteering. When writing your fundraising letter, explain how their donation will make an impact by allowing you to join humanitarian trips that aim to construct/build schools and orphanages. Please remember to be as short, clear and precise as possible when writing your letters. Emphasize on the fact that it is not a volunteer vacation but a real humanitarian trip. This will help donors to understand the project and your motivation to collect aid from them for a good cause. You may find that asking for a specific amount of money is the most successful approach. Let them know the total amount that you are hoping to raise. You may even want to outline the specific cost, perhaps daily expenses of your program, etc. Promise to reward your contributors with a follow-up presentation about what occurred during your volunteer work. Keep all of the checks and donations and send them in one envelope to our office at 1213 Dandridge st, Fredericksburg VA 22401 before your trip. Please indicate that the checks are for your trip costs on a note.
EXEC Meeting: Hannah: Submit funding for next year events before 4/21 & reserve rooms (We will do this all together w/ some training) – Call carwash Neely: Make Manhattan Pizza flyers and print for 4/13 (6-10 PM): Step by step for De’shauna’s training Erick: details on camping (if we decide to go) Miranda: Train Dom, Erick, and Hannah Maddie (secretary)- sent email & trained De’shauna (Social media)- needs to be trained Nhi (Graphic designer)- no training needed Erick (VP or Co-President)- training, watch videos, plan time to meet Dom (Treasurer)- Training, watch videos, plan time to meet Hannah (president)- Overview of training