Composition with Handchimes By Paul Weller Please note that the powerpoint slides included with this lesson have multiple options for a single slide view (i.e. poem with words or poem with words and rhythms) and they are not intended to be used as a sequence in their entirety
aaba abab abba aaab abac Elemental Forms ©2012 Paul Weller All rights reserved
Strategy? Air La Sol Mi Re Do ©2012 Paul Weller all rights reserved
E D C Mi Re Do A G E La Sol Mi Lets Make it up! q qr Q h Forms: aaba abab aaab abba abac A G E La Sol Mi q qr Q h Form: 1 2 3 4 E D C Mi Re Do ©2012 Paul Weller all rights reserved
Mi Re Do E D C A G E La Sol Mi Let’s Make it Up!! a b a c The colors of the letters need to match the color of the pitches/solfege to the left c © 2012 Paul K. Weller All rights reserved