Strengthening Industrial Statistics in the Lao PDR Ministry of Industry and Commerce Department of Industry and Handicraft EIF Tier-2 Project (Component B): Strengthening Industrial Statistics in the Lao PDR Project Review Committee Meeting 25 May 2016
Contents Project Summary for Component B Project Implementation Progress 2016 Work plan Challenges Way forward
Project Summary for Component B Expected Outputs: Enhanced institutional capacity of the MoIC’s DIH to carry out policy-oriented statistical analysis of the country’s manufacturing sector in accordance with international standard methodologies. Enhanced policy making capabilities. Key Activities: Establishing a central statistical information system Training analysts and IT staffs Conducting survey
Project Implementation Progress Trainings for analysts and IT staffs: Study Visit: Thai’s experiences and best practices of industrial statistics Training on input data system design with tabulation with Microsoft Excel Training on basic statistics, industrial statistics and industrial index On the job training through survey processes
Project Implementation Progress 1st part of industry survey conducted: Designing questionnaire Planning and budgeting Training the central and provincial statisticians Additional training on IT topics to statisticians in Bolikhamxay, Vientiane, Champasack and Savannkhet Province.
Project Implementation Progress 1st part of industry survey conducted (cont.) The outcome of the industrial establishment survey had been classified in to four categories: Large scale industries are 514 units Medium scale industries are 735 units Small scale industries are 2,721 units Micro 1,521 units Total: 5,491 units
Project Implementation Progress 1st part of industry survey conducted (cont.) From the outcome, the large and medium scale industries would have to be conducted survey in total number is 1,249 units, and there would be 10% for taking sampling of small and micro units, so this number is 422. The total number for the conducting the National Survey of Manufacturing Establishments 2016 (Reference Year: Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2015) is 1,671 units.
Manufacturing Establishment Survey 2016 Work Plan Manufacturing Establishment Survey Preparing the list of establishment to be survey Designing Questionnaire Designing System Conducting the survey Data tabulation and database set up Drafting statistical report
Statisticians designation process Challenges Manufacturing Establishment Listing took longer time than anticipated due to: Fund transfer process Statisticians designation process The plan to do listing and survey at the same time has not been feasible Late start of the survey affecting the achievement of crucial project indicators, i.e. methodology development of framework for policy relevant analysis, analytical and statistical report derided from quarterly index of industry production (IIP) survey.
Project duration extension for 12 months for: Way Forward Project duration extension for 12 months for: Analytical Capacity Building Training to assigned MoIC’s staffs Analytical reports on surveyed data Quarterly Index of Industry Production (IIP) Survey (New) Designing questionnaire Conducting survey Designing system Creating database
Way Forward (Cont.) DIH to conduct the survey annually As routine job should be done by the MoIC annually, and project can support with concerned issues Trainings on IT system/IT applications End of project seminar
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