LTS All-Staff Meeting January 10, 2017 Annual Report LTS All-Staff Meeting January 10, 2017
Outline Overview (Jim) Statistical highlights and remarks on production trends (Adam) Grant-funded work in LTS (Jason) Update on FOLIO, opportunity to comment on new PE process (Jesse) Other topics, additional Q&A, overflow time
Statistical highlights and remarks on production trends, 2006-2016
Grant-funded work in LTS
Data Curation Network Alfred P. Sloan Foundation - Sharing expertise for data curation across disciplines - Collaboration, NOT infrastructure - UMinn, UIUC, Penn State, UMich, WUStL & Cornell Wendy Kozlowski
Freedom on the Move National Endowment for the Humanities - Creating database of fugitive slave advertisements - Data modeling & application development - Ed Baptist (History), CISER & CUL Jason Kovari
Hip Hop Collection National Endowment for the Humanities - Larger processing grant within RMC - LP cataloging as cost share Roswitha Clark Beth Kelly Margaret Nichols Tracey Snyder RMC colleagues & others
National Forum for Shareable Local Authorities Institute for Museum & Library Services - Framework for sharing local authorities - Participants from across N.A. & European institutions Jason Kovari Chew Chiat Naun
Linked Data for Libraries Labs Andrew W. Mellon Foundation - Ontology development - MARC 2 RDF conversion - Editing tool development - More! Christina Harlow Jason Kovari Chew Chiat Naun
Linked Data for Production Andrew W. Mellon Foundation - Hip Hop LP cataloging in RDF - BIBFRAME 2.0 assessment - Rare Materials ontology development Jason Kovari Chew Chiat Naun Margaret Nichols Tracey Snyder Roswitha Clark Christina Harlow Beth Kelly
Opportunities - Capacity for work otherwise impossible - Experimentation & learning - Collaboration & Connections : internal & external - Visibility
Challenges - Capacity - Productionizing outcomes - Demanding & unfamiliar
Update on FOLIO
FOLIO – Implementation Project Team Dean Krafft (CUL and Library IT Administration) Chew Chiat Naun (Technical Services) Ann Crowley (Finance) Jesse Koennecke (Technical Services) Deb Lamb-Deans (Public Services) Peter McCracken (Technical Services) Chris Manly (Information Technology) Holly Mistlebauer (Project Leader) Kizer Walker (Collection Development) Matt Connolly (Developer) Alan McCarty (DevOps) Frances Webb (Developer)
FOLIO – Technical Services Adam Chandler (data migration, import, export, and batch loading) Jesse Koennecke (Select & Acquire; communication with OLE Implementation Project Team) Jim LeBlanc (chair; communication with CUL technical services staff; recovery) Chew Chiat Naun (Describe & Manage; testing) Jean Pajerek (training and documentation; communication with Law Library staff)
2017 is an important year for FOLIO
FOLIO – Current Timeline Implement FOLIO on July 1, 2018 Testing various functions of FOLIO to insure that functions will work for CUL, Identifying any functions that are not available in FOLIO but needed by CUL Identifying any workflow changes that need to be made Customizing FOLIO for Cornell Transforming and migrating of data from Voyager to FOLIO Integrating FOLIO with existing CUL and University applications Training and documentation for CUL staff
FOLIO – More Information CUL Implementation Team Wiki - FOLIO News -
New Performance Evaluation Process New forms New questions New process
New PE Process - Questions What are on-the-job successes or achievements during the past year? What work responsibilities or goals were not accomplished and why? Include any challenges or obstacles that were contributing factors. What personal behaviors are strengths that may help contribute to success? What personal behaviors are areas for development and why?
New PE Process – other questions Whether there is need to develop skills within a current role or a desire to develop to another role, describe priorities and plans for professional development for the next year. Overall Performance and Comments Goals for 2017
Opportunity to Comment on new PE Process