Break-out group discussion


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Presentation transcript:

Break-out group discussion Aim: Get support for future work on assessments; Discuss proposed topics as potential European-level thematic assessments; Share experiences between NRCs and get the regional aspects of the proposed issues.

Break-out group discussion Three proposed topics: 1) Restoring ecosystems and their services 2) Linking Nature Directives (Habitats & Birds), WFD and MSFD 3) European biodiversity challenges in a global perspective Identify potential key messages Country experiences: case studies/best practise/relevant indicators Other topics of relevance?

Topic 1: Restoring ecosystems and their services

Topic 1: Restoring ecosystems and their services CBD: Aichi target 15 as “By 2020, ecosystem resilience and the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks has been enhanced, through conservation and restoration, including restoration of at least 15% of degraded ecosystems,….“ EU Biodiversity Strategy: target 2 as “By 2020, ecosystems and their services are maintained and enhanced by establishing green infrastructure and restoring at least 15% of degraded ecosystems”

Topic 1: Restoring ecosystems and their services Work done at European level: Review on ecosystem restoration and its effectiveness in Europe prepared by ETC/BD (2012). Guidance documents on the implementation of the EU target 2 including the definition of degraded ecosystems, interpretation of the 15% target at EU and MS levels. Developed by contractor to DG Env.

Topic 1: Restoring ecosystems and their services Potential key issues: Synergies with biodiversity conservation, green infrastructure, ecosystem based climate change adaptation etc. Examples or best practises from countries Data, indicators and methodologies available to guide restoration efforts

Topic 2: Linking Nature Directives (Habitats & Birds), WFD and MSFD (Habitats and Birds Directive) Water Framework Directive (WSF) Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)

Topic 2: Linking Nature Directives (Habitats & Birds), WFD and MSFD Key EU legislation for environmental protection of Europe's biodiversity, ecosystems and their services: the Habitats Directive (HD) and the Birds Directive (BD); The Water Framework Directive (WFD); the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Need to better understand interactions, synergies, differences and potential areas for greater coordination.

Topic 2: Linking Nature Directives (Habitats & Birds), WFD and MSFD Work done at European level: FAQ on links between the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and the Nature Directives (HD and BD). FAQ on links between the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Nature Directives (HD and BD).

Topic 2: Linking Nature Directives (Habitats & Birds), WFD and MSFD Some issues: Protected areas are addressed in all these directives: Natura 2000 under Nature Directives, water-dependant Natura 2000 sites under WFD marine Natura 2000 + other MPAs under the MSFD Synergies between ‘statuses’ ‘favorable conservation status’ under the HD ‘good ecological status’ under the WFD ‘good environmental status’ under the MSFD

Topic 3: European biodiversity challenges in a global perspective

Topic 3: European biodiversity challenges in a global perspective EU biodiversity strategy, Target 6: ‘By 2020, the EU has stepped up its contribution to averting global biodiversity loss.’ Europe derives significant benefits from global biodiversity and is at the same time responsible for some of the loss and degradation that occurs beyond its borders. Vice versa global megatrends will also influence Europe.

Topic 3: European biodiversity challenges in a global perspective (background documents) Europe Global: “Rethinking Global Biodiversity Strategies Exploring structural changes in production and consumption to reduce biodiversity loss” "The impact of EU consumption on deforestation“ “Measuring the impacts of consumption in the UK of non-UK imported goods and services on global biodiversity” Global Europe: “SOER 2010 — assessment of global megatrends”

Topic 3: European biodiversity challenges in a global perspective Some issues: European footprint on global biodiversity How can our impact on biodiversity be measured? (which pressures, where? Etc.) Do we have any knowledge supporting the assessment of our impacts? How can we built this knowledge? How will global megatrends influence biodiversity in Europe?

Break-out group discussion Group discussion: 10:30 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 15:00 Discussion in plenary: 15:20 – 16:45 3 groups: Group 1: Conference Room Group 2: Fontana Room (4th floor, 403) Group 3: Creative Space (ground floor)

Enjoy the break-out group discussion!